• craftersuniversity


    Hello all.

    I need your help. I have been trying to make my tweets that are automatically publiced on Twitter through Jetpacks “Publizice” to show a picture. I have tried adding the picture in the blogpost content, in a custom field, and many other wierd things like meta tags, but i simply cant get it to work…what is wrong here? I feel like i have tried every possible setting combination in All in one SEO pack…

    All in one SEO pack version
    Jetpack version 3.1.1
    Website craftersu.com


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  • Plugin Support Steve M


    You control this by using the Social Settings tab in the All in One SEO Pack box on each post – https://semperplugins.com/documentation/social-meta-settings-individual-pagepost-settings/

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    Im sorry, but i have tried this and it does not work. I have fetched the Youtube thumbnail url like this: “https://img.youtube.com/vi/DLFZyTJM71o/0.jpg” and added it to the custom image field, and i also did it while trying the three different settings on “Twitter card type”. It simply does not work.

    Plugin Support Steve M


    I just tested this on my site with that image you provided and it worked for me, I cannot replicate this issue. Here’s my test post –


    Here’s the OG meta in the source code of that post –

    <meta property=”og:title” content=”This is my test video post OG title” />
    <meta property=”og:type” content=”article” />
    <meta property=”og:url” content=”https://stevemortiboy.com/videos/test-video-post/&#8221; />
    <meta property=”og:image” content=”https://img.youtube.com/vi/DLFZyTJM71o/0.jpg&#8221; />
    <meta property=”og:site_name” content=”My Test Site” />
    <meta property=”og:description” content=”This is my test video post OG description” />
    <meta property=”article:publisher” content=”https://www.facebook.com/semperfiwebdesign&#8221; />
    <meta property=”article:published_time” content=”2014-08-01T18:00:31Z” />
    <meta property=”article:modified_time” content=”2015-02-10T10:32:08Z” />
    <meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary_large_image” />
    <meta name=”twitter:site” content=”@wpsmort” />
    <meta name=”twitter:domain” content=”stevemortiboy.com” />
    <meta name=”twitter:description” content=”This is my test video post OG description” />
    <meta itemprop=”image” content=”https://img.youtube.com/vi/DLFZyTJM71o/0.jpg&#8221; />

    I tested this post with Twitter’s card validator and they picked up the OG meta just fine – https://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=5bpaqd&s=8#.VNolZFPeynQ

    I see that on your site, the og:image and meta image aren’t being output at all. I also see you’ve configured the og:type to Website when it should be Article although this doesn’t affect the output of the og:image.

    This could be a misconfiguration of the plugin, in which case please send me screenshots of all the settings under All in One SEO, Social Meta and all the settings on the Social Settings tab of that post and we can check them.

    Plugin Support Steve M


    Also, make sure you update All in One SEO Pack to the latest version.

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    Ill update the plugin soon and try again. Meanwhile i tested my blogpost with Twitter Card Validator and got this error mesage: “ERROR: Fetching the page failed because the response is too large.”.

    Does this give you any clue?

    Plugin Support Steve M


    I’ve not seen that error message before and I’ve tested lots of sites using that tool. I found these forum posts on Twitter’s forum that might help –


    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    I have now updated all plugins on my site and retried your solution, but still the same problem. Your links got me on a path to the problem though, it seems Twitter have a 1MB maximum page size limit, and my page is bigger then that. However, the reason is that there is a file called “html5player.js” that is almost 1MB large, and since i have embedded videos on my blog post, i don’t know how to fix this. Can it be that anyone who embeds Youtube videos in a blog automatically can’t get a functional Twitter card? It would seem unreasonable…

    Any ideas for a solution?

    Plugin Support Steve M


    I’ve never seen that error message before from Twitter and I’ve worked on many sites. I was very surprised to read that Twitter has a 1MB limit on pages, I don’t know why they have that or when they started that limit. I’ve never had that issue with any other site I’ve worked on and I’m at a loss to explain how you’d get around that when you have a post with a couple of videos on. I’ll ask around and see if anyone here knows what you can do. You may also want to post on https://twittercommunity.com/ and see if anyone can help there.

    The good news is that your latest post shows the full OG and Twitter meta so at least now you’re able to set the image and have that appear in the meta.

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    I checked the source code and a plugin caused the index.html to be almost 1mb in size. I went to my development clone site “dev.craftersu.com” and removed that plugin and added an image in the social media part of All in one SEO pack in a post. I then checked it with Twitter card validator that complained at first about whitelist, but i got that approved. Finally the card validator shows me a picture when i input the post adress, but Twitter *still* refuses to show any picture when i manually share it on Twitter as a tweet! What is the problem?


    Plugin Support Steve M


    I tweeted that URL and I got the Twitter card just fine. See the screenshot here – https://i61.tinypic.com/k4ukr7.png

    It appears to be working just fine and the card shows when you tweet that URL.

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    Good to know it shows on some places, but it still doesnt show on my profile page. You have to click a “View summary”” link in order to see it….but other Twitter accounts have autoexpanded photos on their profile pages…how do i get that?

    Plugin Support Steve M


    I do not know the answer to that question, you should post on the Twitter forums if you want an answer to that one.

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