• Hi everyone,

    I’m a begginer on wordpress.

    I really would like to get rid of the information that appaers on page “home” that it’s “no posts to displays”.

    As there is no post included so appears this info.

    I really don’t want this option to post on my page home. I wanna eliminate it.

    Please, help me!!!!!


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  • What theme are you using? Where did you download it from? Have you reviewed creating a static front page?

    Thread Starter DanielDuke


    Hi, Esmi,

    I’m using twenty twelve. I downloaded from wordpress for free.
    Actually I there is no a specific frontpage where can I work on. I don’t know why. On front page I just can work on post but I don’t wannna a post
    on my frontpage.

    I tried but I failled….

    My page is: https://chileproperty.com/

    Actually the real msn is “not found apologies but the page you requested could not be found. perhaps searching will help find a related post” as you can see on the website above but when I’m working on my web appears “No posts to display”.

    Thanks a lot Esmi!!!

    Unless you configure WordPress to use a static front page, it will generate your front page dynamically (ie on demand) from your database. so there will be no “page” to edit in the back end of your site.

    Thread Starter DanielDuke


    I’m very grateful Esmir. I’ll try to do it. I don’t have a lot of experience on wordpress. Tks!

    Go to your admin and create two pages: Home and Blog (or whatever you want to call them). Then go to Settings –> Reading and select the option to use a static front page. Chose your “Home” page as your front page and your “Blog” page as your posts page. Make sure to save your changes. You can then add these pages to your navigation bar. Go to Appearance –> Menus and create a new menu called “Main” (or whatever) and make sure to chose this menu as your theme’s default menu. Add your pages and save. Hopefully this will help get you going.



    Thread Starter DanielDuke


    I’m so grateful Ren. I had success. Tks. so much.

    Ren, I have another doubt maybe if it’s possible helping me again, pls.:

    I would like to open a new page using a text to open this page.

    The website is “www.chileproperty.com”.

    I want to create a new page through the text “La Parcela…” that appears when I click on the menu properties.

    Tks. in advance.

    If you’re trying to open a new window using the items in your menu bar, go into the menu settings (Appearance –> Menus) and click “Screen Options” in the top-right corner of your screen. Then, in the dropdown, check “Link Target”. This will add a checkbox to each of your menu items (underneath the “Navigation Label” bar) that you can check to open that menu link in a new window. Make sure to save.

    If you’re talking just making your anchor text (link text) open in a new window, you can use the WordPress link tool and select “Open link in a new window/tab” or by editing the HTML directly by adding target=”_blank” after your href=”https://yourlinkhere.net/”. This would look like:

    <a href="https://yourlinkhere.net/" target="_blank">Your Anchor Text Here</a>

    Hopefully this answers your question.


    Thread Starter DanielDuke


    As I have never used HTML because I’m a simple user so I understood that I must put my link my anchor text on the code below, right? I will try to do that.

    And how can I add footer with the main info about my the company like this one that follows on my first page. Do you know, Ren?

    Chile, Santiago: +56 (0) 00 7646 0000 - USA: +1 316 000 0000 - Chile mobile: +56 (9) 8453 8460
     SKYPE: chileproperty - raq@chileproperty.com
     All Rights Reserved

    Tks. in advance Ren

    Thread Starter DanielDuke


    Tks. for your Help Ren about using a text as a link to open a new page. I will try it.

    Are you trying to add this below the footer widgets of your theme? If so, check to see if your theme allows for adding this directly from the Theme Options. A lot of times the option may be referred to as something like “Copyright Text”, “Footer Text”, etc. If not, you can add it to your theme’s footer.php. However, since you not experienced with HTML, this may be difficult. Editing your theme’s files without at least some HTML and PHP knowledge can lead to errors and things not looking right. If you need additional help, let me know.

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