No readings for the current date
The plugin doesn’t seem to work.
I am using DBP source: ; and have tried and tested multiple reading plans, but none seem to work.
For some reason the listed reading plans list shows “-1” as seen in the screenshot:
The output to the desired page shows: No readins for selected date : page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
The plugin does not yet include audio for the Scriptures available from the Bible Brain (aka the Digital Bible Platform — DBP). Adding that feature to the plugin is just about the next step in development of the plugin.
At present, however, audio is available for the English Standard Version (ESV) from
Yes, I do get that and really support your efforts on adding more functionality to the plugin.
How ever my concern relates to the lack of displaying of the bible reading plans and text fetching from the source, also the text that displays “No readings for the selected date”.
Hope to hear from you soon!
p.s. if you visit the website link I’ve shared, do scroll down to the next section or use the header to navigate to the “Read” tab, please.
I’m sorry for my mistaken understanding of your message.
I could not reach your site today. (It timed out>)
I have, however, checked your screen shots and see more clearly what you mean.
In the meantime, could you give me the shortcode you are using, your PHP version, and your WordPress version? Thanks in advance.
Yes, sure, the Shortcode I’ve tested thus far are:
[bible-reading-plan source=”DBP” reading_plan=”every-day-in-the-word” bible_id=”ENGNAS”];
[bible-reading-plan source=”DBP” reading_plan=”mcheyne” bible_id=”ENGNAS”] and;
[bible-reading-plan source=”DBP”]
PHP version installed on the site is 7.4
WordPress version I’ve been using is 6.2.2
If it’s any help, I have installed the plugin on a WP multisite network and from what I can diagnose by trial and error method is that the main site ( is able to display some part of the readings available on the page: (, by inspecting the page source I discovered not all the passages are shown on the page for the reading plan “mcheyne” but they are rendered on the ToC.
On the subsites (or the language subsite); the shortcode keeps on loading, then displays the calender and text “No readings available for the selected date.”-
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
optimalhealth. Reason: Self diagnosed and fixed the issue with text color
When I click on the link I get the full page of readings. Is the link is to the sub-site? If so, I will check to see what may be wrong with the plugin for sub-sites set up as sub-directories, not sub-domains. I have tested the latter. Unhappily, I have not tested the former. ??
I won’t likely be able to work on this more until at least tomorrow afternoon.
BTW, those versions should be okay. When I asked, I felt like a detective in one of the videos I’ve watched. When the person being asked questions asks why are you asking that and the detective answers, “Just eliminating all the possibilities, Sir.” ??
Yes, the first link is the link to the main site, and it is displaying the reading plan perfectly.
The second link is the sub-site. It is NOT sub-directory but a Sub-domain and it is not working as intended.
Yes, sure brother, no worries, only I have to have this working by the end of the week.
Honestly, I’m a nurse by profession, and collecting history is part of my job. When you asked me about the details, I gave you every bit that might be useful because I know the importance of thorough history collection for properly diagnosing of the root of the problem. ??
I have now tried to replicate your problem by setting up a test case at I’ve used the same theme (Hello Elementor) as your page (if I’m correct), the same shortcode you are using, the same PHP version, and the same WordPress version. I do not, however, have the same problem you are having at
This leads me to believe that the problem might be with a conflict with another plugin. (Unless you have the same set of plugins active for as you do for, which works perfectly for me.)
If you don’t have the same set of plugins active for both sites, try making those on the same as those on
If you do, then I’ll have to cast about for something else. At the moment, however, I can’t think of anything else. ??
OK. I think I have come up with why the plugin is not working for you. And it’s not a plugin conflict issue. It will take me a few hours to work this out. I hope, however, by later today to have it fixed.
I believe I have fixed the problem. Try downloading (it is Version 2.2-beta) then uploading it to your site to replace your present version of the plugin.
Please let me know whether or not this solves the problem. (And, if it does not, let me know what the error messages that you get are.)
I found a file name error in my code. I have corrected it in the file at Please use this file.
Downloading it now! Will let you know in about an hour.
I have installed the plugin, and for now I can say that that, with the 2.2-beta you just posted the, plugin seems to funtion properly, but due to some reason, I am unable to access the setting of the plugin on the main-site as well as the sub-site, see here; To change and update the settings, I rolled back to an earlier version that I downloaded from WP Plugins repository, it is version 2.1.4;
And to my surprise everything works now with the previous version (2.1.4)! The plugin loads the reading plans on both the sites, the settings works fine, and I have changed the bible-reading-plan.css on v2.1.4 for updating the colors and fonts of the reading plan. Everything works!
Please fix the error in v2.1.5 and if possible please add the optoin to change the color of text from the plugin setting, so that we don’t have to alter everything in the css files.I’m glad you seem to have a temporary solution. I hope that gets you operational for the present.
I will try to fix the problem you report with the settings page early next week and look into the font color option soon thereafter. (I did spend about half an hour today (which was all I could do) trying to find the source of the former, without success.)
Okay. I think I have now fixed all of the problems. I’ve placed the corrected file at (It is bible-reading-plans-beta-2.)
Please let me know how it works for you. I very much appreciate your spotting the problems you have and reporting them so that I can fix them.
This issue has now been fixed as of Version 2.2.
I did not, however, address the font color option. That is really a CSS issue. If I were to provide a font color option, I should also provide all of the other font and display options available via the CSS. You may only wish a font color option. Someone else a font-weight option. Another person, a font size option. Etc., etc….
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
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