• Resolved rboulet


    I’m seeing a bunch of errors in my log – WordPress database error Table ‘TABLENAME_redirection_logs’ doesn’t exist for query SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM TABLENAME_redirection_logs made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘init’), call_user_func_array, WordPress_Module->init, Red_Item->matches, Red_Item->visit, RE_Log::create

    I look in my db and sure enough, that table doesn’t exist. I realize when I moved my site from one domain to another, I used VaultPress to move the site & for whatever reason VaultPress didn’t capture that particular table.

    Would you guys recommend I simply recreate that logs table (I have the old site still, so I can recreate the structure from there) or would it be safer to re-install the plugin from scratch?

    So bizarre – thanks for any/all advice!


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  • Thread Starter rboulet


    Well, found out VaultPress doesn’t back this one up, so that’s why its missing.

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