• Resolved ehjay


    Would anyone happen to know why I cannot see a “save changes” button at the bottom of the Current Widgets column?

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  • Not sure why you wouldn’t see the button, but go to your widgets page and the end of the url should be /widgets.php?

    If so, message=updated to the end so it looks like this:


    and press Enter to see if it saves your changes.

    Thread Starter ehjay


    Alrighty, I have tried that.

    The end of the url does not include the ?, but I have tried your trick anyway by editing the address bar to look like the following: /widgets.php?message=updated

    I have added my new widget, edit the address, hit enter, changes say they have saved, but the widget was not added.

    I’ve just started using 2.7 and haven’t been following the forums here for months, so unless this is a known problem then it could be that all of your files didn’t get uploaded. If you just installed 2.7 (or upgraded) and this started happening, then you may want to make sure all of the source code was uploaded.

    Thread Starter ehjay


    I upgraded last week and haven’t noticed it until now. Maybe I’ll re-upgrade.

    Thread Starter ehjay


    No luck.

    Thread Starter ehjay


    Disabled all my plugins, then enabled them. Seems to work. Odd.

    I’m having a similar problem, the save button was there for a while, and then gone one day. I tried the above solution but it didn’t work. I deactivate all of them, then reactivating one at a time…..didn’t help. I’m running WP 2.7 with all the latest plugins. Any thoughts?

    I’m running into this very same problem as well with both plugins and widgets.

    Count me in on this problem, although, like many, I found one specific plugin that did fix the issue. Here’s what I tried:

    a) Clearing browser cache(s)
    b) Switching to default theme
    c) Replacing widgets.php with one from the the installation .ZIP

    All failed.

    It wasn’t until I selected all of my available plugins and deactivated them that the button returned. When I re-activated all of the same set, the button disappeared again. That meant it was something specific.

    By process of elimination, the problem plugin was EXEC PHP 4.9. With about 30 other plugins installed – no problem. As soon as I add EXEC PHP, the button disappears.

    I’d be interested if any of you here even are running EXEC PHP. Another user in a thread said it was their flickr plugin, but I didnt even use that myself.

    Hopefully they can fix this bug in 2.72!

    Interesting — when I switch to Otto’s PHP Widget plugin instead of EXECPHP — it crashes the list of activated plugins. The widget where my PHP code went now looks like this:

    %BEG_OF_TITLE%Comment Count%END_OF_TITLE%

    and there’s still no save button. Maybe I’m on to something. What’s the deal with these PHP plugins killing the save button? =)

    Okay — so I was following the links in the bugtracker: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/8979 ..

    And it turns out that if a widget’s ID is in mixed case .. LikeThis .. WordPress has issues.

    In my instance, I went into manager.php, which exec_php includes first. I made everything all lowercase in that file.

    Suddenly, the save changes button is back!

    had the same problem with Otto’s Executable PHP Widget. it was definitely that widget and no Otto it was NOT my code. ??

    EDIT: HAHAHA it *WAS* a problem with my code – i thought it wasn’t because it all worked in another environment, but i’d forgotten to upload some other files, but the below is a good ‘last resort’ if you’re stuck and i was!

    only way i could fix it was go (through phpMyAdmin) into wp_options table and delete the row with option_name = “widget_execphp” (prob. near the end of the table for most folks). then i could re-add the widget to various sidebars and set things up again.

    fwiw, i put all code i want to use in php widgets in a separate file and call the functions from the widgets rather than embed code there. certainly made getting past this bug a lot easier!

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