• I use SUBHEADING for many years now so it’s absolutely integrated into all of posts and supports my SEO strategy. Unfortunately I found a problem caused by the SUBHEADING plug-in when used together with THE EVENTS CALENDAR (TEC) in the newest wordpress version. Maybe you can find the reason.

    If TEC its activated and SUBHEADING is with the option “Allow search to find matches based on subheading values.” I don’t receive any results with my usual search on the blog. I thought it’s a TEC problem so I asked in their support forum a while ago but today I found the final cause after reactivating plugin by plugin and option by option.

    I receive regular search results when TEC is deactivated (but is required plugin) or when TEC is activated and the deck mark for the “Allow search…” is deactivated. It would be a pitty if the search would ignore the subheading because a lot of my posts contain important keywords. Do you have any clue what’s the reason (because wordpress sorts the results by relevance now?), how to solve it or maybe if skipping the subheading is not that bad?


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