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  • dashmoo


    I am also having this exact issue.

    Plugin Author Massoud Shakeri


    If you go to Woocommerce->orders and click on an order paid by “Email money transfer”, in the “Order Notes” box there should be a note like this:
    Answer to the Secret Question: xxxxx
    if you do not see, it maybe because of Woocommerce version, which needs to be updated.also I suppose that your server runs PHP 5.4+



    I’m running on Woocommerce 2.6.8 and php version 7.0.12 and i do not see it. There is no order note and on the relevant line in my email, it goes like this:

    After placing your order, please send an Email money transfer to the following:
    Email: [email protected] ( real email address here is correct)
    Secret Question: Your Order Number 727
    Secret Answer: {2}
    Thanks for choosing us! We appreciate your business.

    Plugin Author Massoud Shakeri


    I tested with the same configuration as yours, but it works fine for me.
    I guess another plugin prevents to add notes to the order.

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