Ok, so to move things forward in the future iThemes removed the Security Status section from the Dashboard page.
But to add to the confusion the order in which the settings are displayed (and listed in the dropdown listbox) on the Settings page is changed as well.
It used to be ordered (more or less) alphabetically:
Global Settings
404 Detection
Away Mode
Banned Users
Brute Force Protection
Database Backups
File Change Detection
Hide Login Area
Malware Scanning
Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
Strong Passwords
System Tweaks
WordPress Tweaks
Now the order is:
Global Settings
Strong Passwords
Brute Force Protection
Away Mode
Database Backups
Banned Users
File Change Detection
404 Detection
Hide Login Area
Malware Scanning
Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
System Tweaks
WordPress Tweaks
It’s like going to the same supermarket and finding that most products are on a different shelf …
If there is any new logic behind this order please enlighten us …
From a UI point of view this is not very user friendly.