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  • Hi,

    You haven’t done anything wrong. We changed a lot of the underlying architecture in order to prepare for a new UI and generally for the future of the product moving forward. As part of that, we are going to be rolling out a much better system for this in the next major release, but needed to remove it from this version.




    According to the 5.2.0 Changelog:

    Feature Removal: Removed the “Security Status” portion of the Security > Dashboard page. This is in preparation for a new tool that provides suggestions tailored to the site and server that Security is running on.

    Weird to remove such an important feature without immediately replacing it with the new tool …



    Ok, so to move things forward in the future iThemes removed the Security Status section from the Dashboard page.

    But to add to the confusion the order in which the settings are displayed (and listed in the dropdown listbox) on the Settings page is changed as well.

    It used to be ordered (more or less) alphabetically:

    Global Settings
    404 Detection
    Away Mode
    Banned Users
    Brute Force Protection
    Database Backups
    File Change Detection
    Hide Login Area
    Malware Scanning
    Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
    Strong Passwords
    System Tweaks
    WordPress Tweaks

    Now the order is:

    Global Settings
    Strong Passwords
    Brute Force Protection
    Away Mode
    Database Backups
    Banned Users
    File Change Detection
    404 Detection
    Hide Login Area
    Malware Scanning
    Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
    System Tweaks
    WordPress Tweaks

    It’s like going to the same supermarket and finding that most products are on a different shelf …
    If there is any new logic behind this order please enlighten us …
    From a UI point of view this is not very user friendly.



    It does seem the default order has been rearranged. We’ll address this. It’s worth noting that in the mean time you can rearrange the order on the Settings page if you’d like.




    I’m well aware the metaboxes can be rearranged (using drag&drop). However it doesn’t change the order in the dropdown listbox …

    Anyway I can live with it … and I know how to fix it in the code.
    Just wanted to point out this might cause some confusion.


    This was our favourite feature!


    I believe your question as raised in this topic has been properly answered. If you agree please mark this topic as resolved.

    If you value the Security Status feature more than anything listed as fixed or enhanced in the 5.2.0 Changelog, as a workaround simply download and install the previous (5.1.1) release.
    It runs just as “smoothly” on the latest WordPress release (4.4.1) as the 5.2.0 release.


    So by next major release do you mean 5.3 ie not 6.0? – to many people by next major release you mean 6.0 and if that’s what you mean it would make the replacement I guess a year or two away.

    I’m not sure you understand how invaluable the security status section is to the operation of your plugin – many people who use the plugin like myself manage banks of sites ( i’m sure some people manage hundreds or more ) – where it’s not practical to go through all the settings individually ( which seems to be the only option now ). Props for coming up with the better soloution that I’ve read on your changelog but really what about in the meantime?

    This by far the strangest decision I’ve seen by a piece of software in a long time – you literally hacked off what is for me anyway ( and I can only imagine a large percentage of your user base ) the crowing glory of the tool’s UIUX, and didn’t even replace it with a temporary solution — if you want my opinion.

    Here’s hoping you replace it with something similar soon.



    I want the security status section back please………..




    As posted earlier in this topic, if you value the Security Status feature more than anything listed as fixed or enhanced in the 5.2.0 Changelog, as a workaround simply download and install the previous (5.1.1) release.
    It runs just as “smoothly” on the latest WordPress release (4.4.2) as the 5.2.0 release.





    The order in which the settings are displayed (and listed in the dropdown listbox) on the Settings page is back to normal after updating to the 5.2.1 version which was released yesterday.

    Though sadly still no replacement for the Security Status metabox on the plugin Dashboard page.





    Please note that since the 5.2.0 release (5.2.1 included) clicking on the One-Click Secure button in the First Important Steps modal window will not do anything despite the fact that it still reports:

    Site Secured. Check the dashboard for further suggestions on securing your site.

    which is also kind of lame as there is no longer a Security Status section on the Dashboard page …

    Note this is not a bug, since iThemes knowingly removed the code that was normally executed behind this button …
    Anyway I think it would have been better to completely remove the One-Click Secure button from the modal window …

    First time users of the plugin will think they are securing their site with one click while in fact absolutely nothing happens …




    @dwinden +1 for me too. any ETA on the next “major release” thanks

    @anyone interested

    Just an updated summary post so we can keep track of these 2 issues.

    Situation of the 5.3.5 release:

    • Still no replacement tool for the Security Status metabox. No news from iThemes when the next major release (6.0?) is expected to be released.
    • One-Click Secure button in the First Important Steps modal window still does not change anything.

    Act as if iThemes cares …


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