• ResolvedPlugin Author Dan


    The “No shipping options were found” message means no shipping rules are matching the order. In other words, you have no rules with

    1. Order Weight matching total order weight,
    2. Order Subtotal matching the total price of items in the cart,
    3. Destination matching order’s shipping location.

    Double-check your rules to make sure they are set up just as how you expect them. Also double-check your order items settings to make sure their weight is actually set to the value you expect.

    Common pitfalls:

    • The weight in the product settings and Order Weight condition are set with different weight units in mind. For
      example, product weight is 1500 (grams) while Order Weight is ‘above 1 (kg), below 2 (kg)’. That might happen if
      you have recently changed the weight unit in the WooCommerce settings but didn’t update the weights accordingly.
    • All shipping rules are set in a way that Order Subtotal is the same as Order Weight. It usually doesn’t make
      much sense to set up the rules like so. If you are not sure what is Order Weight for just leave it blank.
    • Some third-party code prevents the plugin from working correctly. It might be another plugin, your current
      theme, or a custom code snippet. To check that, temporarily disable all other plugins and switch to the
      Storefront theme. Once the issue is gone, get the things back one by one until you notice the issue is here
      again. At this point, you know the culprit.
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  • Hello, I’ve been using your awesome plugin for more than 2 years now, it always worked fine until some time ago…

    We only ship to Italy and we have the same shipping price for the whole country.

    The problem:
    Lately we started using promotional coupons more and more often, what happens is that if a customer only adds products to the cart and carries on with his order everything works fine.
    But if a customer adds products and THEN applies a coupon to the cart, the shipping fee for those products disappears completely and gets replaced by a “Calculate shipping” form which I don’t want (as I need my checkout process to be as easy and seamless as I can).

    I have tested this behaviour just now on the latest version of wordpress and WC (4.2.1), having only woocommerce and WBS plugin active and storefront as theme, on php7.3
    but I noticed this problem since a couple months already and on earlier versions of woocommerce (including 3.9) also because my custom theme doesn’t allow for calculating shipping from the cart so some customers are calling and telling they are unable to complete their order. (“because of No shipping options were found” error)

    If there is no way to fix this, can you please tell me which class/function might be responsible for this behaviour so I can override/change it for my needs?

    Plugin Author Dan



    Glad the plugin is useful for you.

    Order Subtotal is expected to match against the subtotal after any discounts applied. If, for example, you have an order with $100 subtotal and a $20 discount, the price the Order Subtotal condition is working with would be $80.

    Does that make sense?

    Sorry, I didn’t quite understand your answer, do you mean that woocommerce checks the subtotal after applying a coupon, and because in cart->fees there is also our shipping fee it would not work?

    As I understand, your plugin adds a fee to the cart, but I can’t understand why this fee gets removed when the user adds a coupon to the cart.

    Anyways, keep in mind that this happens in cart so we still don’t have an order yet

    Plugin Author Dan


    I mean that if you have a rule:
    – Title: Free Shipping
    – Base Cost: 0
    – Order Subtotal: above $100 or equal, after tax included [checked], after discount applied [unchecked]

    And two orders:
    1. One with the total price of items and taxes = $110, without coupons applied,
    2. And another one with the total price of items and taxes = $110, and a $20 coupon applied;

    The rule would be activated for the first order and wouldn’t be for the second.

    Could you gather the following details?

    1. WP 5.4.2, WC 4.2.2, WBS, PHP 7.3.11

    2. https://imgur.com/a/65SayjD

    3. I’m testing it with the order:
    – Item #1: 3.699696 kg, 7gg, 1

    4. I expect to see:
    – weight based shipping 10kg: € 15

    5. I do see instead:
    – none

    I also tried changing destination to ANY in WBS shipping rules but it doesn’t fix it

    Plugin Author Dan


    Thank you.

    It looks good to me and should be working as you expect it.

    It might be that some third-party code prevents the plugin from working correctly. Either another plugin, your current theme, or a custom code snippet. To check that, please disable all other plugins temporarily and switch to the vanilla Storefront theme. If the issue is gone, get the things back one by one until you notice the issue is here again. At this point, you know the culprit.

    As I wrote in my first post:

    I have tested this behaviour just now on the latest version of wordpress and WC (4.2.1), having only woocommerce and WBS plugin active and storefront as theme, on php7.3

    I already tested.

    I can test again on a fresh install of wordpress but it seems to me a bit exaggerated…

    Are you using some hooks for coupons/fees that might cause this?
    Or maybe woocommerce is deleting your fee thinking that is another coupon

    hey, I just found another bug:

    I also have one free product (a sample of the product we sell), which has free shipping (hence the 0-20 free shipping class)

    A customer adds this free product to the cart,
    then adds a coupon for 5% discount
    then adds any other product ( for example a €183,00 / 3,2kg product )

    something weird happens with VAT calculation of the coupon: I get a -€9,15 discount (which is correctly 5% of 183) but this discount gets -1,86 VAT (roughly 0,203% ) instead of -2,013 (22%)

    If I disable your plugin this doesn’t happen

    there’s clearly something weird going on with cart fees array

    Plugin Author Dan


    The plugin doesn’t do much with coupons/discounts. It just takes the data WooCommerce feeds it with.

    Taxes are also a WooCommerce job. The only thing the plugin controls is whether to enable them or not with the Taxable/Non taxable switch.

    Ok, we have to reproduce the issue in order to be able to fix it. I have set up a fresh install. Tried to reproduce there, no luck. Maybe you have more chances. You can change anything there.

    If it’s impossible to reproduce the problem on a fresh install, it must be specific to your current installation. Either files or the database. To make sure your files aren’t modified:
    1. Reinstall WordPress: Dashboard -> Updates -> Re-install now.
    2. Reinstall StoreFront, WooCommerce, and Weight Based Shipping. To do that, first, remove them and then install them again. You won’t lose your settings since they are preserved on uninstall. Anyway, it’s a good idea to make a backup prior to it.

    If that still doesn’t help, the must be in the database. It would be great if you can dump and send it to us. Make sure to not upload it on any public service since it might contain sensitive data.

    Sorry, even on a fresh install I have the same 2 bugs, note 2 things:

    My products have a lot of decimals in their weight, because the weight of each product is calculated automatically, if php has the same problems of JS when handling certain float values it can have some problems here;

    I configured my wbs table globally (which is now legacy I guess) and not for single shipping zone

    Unfortunately my boss didn’t allow me to send you a dump of the database

    Anyways I decided to fix this by making my own plugin using WC_Shipping_Method API.
    In just 5kb of code I have both weight based shipping and split packages by class and it worked flawlessly on the last 120 orders

    If you are using WC_Shipping_Method API too then your plugin has probably some trouble with the calculate_shipping() method when woocommerce decides to update the cart

    I hope this can help you improve your plugin and thank you for your time.

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