I understand now. This is valuable feedback, thank you.
The issue is that the plugin renders entirely in the VS Code syntax engine (oniguruma/textmate) right in the browser as you type. The highlighting is dynamically applied right there, then stored in the database pre-rendered. This works in contrast to other plugins that do the rendering in the browser every time the user requests a page. So just given how the plugin works, it’s not even possible to have a global setting like this.
It’s a tradeoff of performance for your users for this inconvenience. I felt it was worth it, but maybe I need to do a better job at communicating this tradeoff.
However, I have been brainstorming some ideas to combat this. For example, I was thinking I could add an admin page that loads up every code block on your site, and gives you the ability to apply a style there. So if you have 200 python code blocks, I could load in all of those, and you could make a style change, then press a button to apply it to all of them. It would need to render them in the browser still (so could be slow), but there would be a tool to at least make it less painful than manually going back page by page.
Does that seem like a reasonable approach? An admin page to manage this process?