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  • Important edit: My solution below worked but was not the cause. My server’s have Zend Guard caching enabled (and probably other PHP cache things) and after updating this plugin, it cached wp_enqueue_script so it was trying to get older files that no longer existed. A simple restart of Apache/Nginx fixed my issue.

    I had this problem too but I fixed it.

    I have version Version 3.1.1 installed however it’s trying to get:


    The files within the 3.1.1 are named wp-seo-post-scraper-311.js

    Simply change 311 to 310 and it’s working.

    If only it were that simple. I tried that – because based on my last code example, that SHOULD have worked. So, I uploaded duplicates of the wp-seo-post-scraper-311.js and wp-seo-post-scraper-311.min.js files, but renamed the duplicates to 310, as you suggested.

    That did not work for me. Here is the JS console now:

    When clicking into the description meta editor:
    TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null		wp-seo-post-scraper-311.min.js:1:2975
    	h.prototype.setDataFromSnippet()		wp-seo-post-scraper-311.min.js:1
    	h.prototype.saveSnippetData()			wp-seo-post-scraper-311.min.js:1
    	[28]</E.prototype.updateDataFromDOM()		yoast-seo-310.min.js:2
    	[28]</E.prototype.changedInput<()		yoast-seo-310.min.js:2
    	i()						yoast-seo-310.min.js:6
    	j()						yoast-seo-310.min.js:6

    You got Firebug?

    In “network” do any of the files NOT load? If so which file?

    When this did not work for me it made more plugins like Visual Composer not load because of the conflicts. i.e. one JS throw a fatal error, the rest don’t work.

    I use Firefox Developer Tools, though I’m not sure exactly how to tell if any files did not load.

    If I click on the Network tab and refresh the page, all files are loaded with either a status of 200 (OK) or 304 (not Modified).

    Without delving into the code and inspecting the page code in a working format it’s hard to tell.

    document.getElementById is used to get an element so whatever is in between document.getElementById(…) is what it’s trying to get on the page and that element doesn’t exist.

    And this is a problem with the Yoast code, then. ??

    Why Yoast Team don’t upgrade quickly and fix this simple bug? Meta description are a very important for the SEO and also can improve the CTR in the SERPS. This issue in a SEO plugin is a shit…

    Maybe they want that everyone migrate to All in One SEO…

    Bonjour tout le monde,
    Voilà, j’ai un problème avec le plugin WordPress SEO, surement avec son paramétrage.
    Je voudrais savoir si c’est normal que tout reste vide ici :
    Merci d’avance pour votre aide

    Please, include your own details in the issue of github:

    Just like everyone I just upgrade to Yoast 3.1.1 and I get no Snippet text, no content Analysis and if I add a Focus keyword nothing happens.

    Everything was working fine before I upgraded.

    How can I downgrade back to the previous version until there is a fix and if I do downgrade will I lose all my SEO on my previous blog post?

    Why is Yoast not doing an emergency patch to fix this with so many people having the same issues?

    This is what I have in my console.
    wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4208-20151113:21 Deprecated TinyMCE API call: <target>.onNodeChange.add(..)

    jcastillo1 – They have already closed that issue on GitHub. I’d also imagine that a vast majority of WordPress users do not have accounts on GitHub (which are required in order to post there), hence why no one is posting there. We are using a WordPress plugin, and as such, we expect to use the WordPress support threads… for… well… support.

    This issue has been going on long enough that it may be time to start talking about alternative SEO plugins that can handle the same tasks Yoast does. Any suggestions?

    Here’s an idea: if Custom Permalinks is the problem in the majority of cases here, perhaps Yoast should consider adding a permalink editor of their own to the plugin’s list of capabilities. This way, users would no longer be dependent on out-of-date plugins that frequently have problems with Yoast. After all, managing permalinks IS (at least in part), a function of SEO. I’m surprised this isn’t something they’ve done already.

    I’m on 3.0.7 and I’ve still got issues with it. One of them, for example, is that, a picture with the alt-tag “picture-name” used to be fine if the Focus keyword was ‘Picture Name’ but now it moans because there’s a “-” in the alt-tag and there are other little things that are broken as a result. I’ve got so many pages which will have been affected by this.

    I don’t have an old copy of Yoast and haven’t installed a Rollback plugin, but quite frankly, Yoast have broken their own plugin, so they should fix it!! HELP!!!

    I started to mess around other plugins by deactivating them and it seems that the once who is causing this problem right now is NewStatPress. 1.1.8

    When activated then Yoast not working. When I deactivate it then its working. I notice on the plugin site that there is a new version 1.1.9. Will try that one and see if it resolves everything.

    Curlingdan, below is the rollback plugin i used to revert back to version 3.0.7

    For anyone looking to rollback to Yoast SEO ver 3.0.7 you can use this plugin to rollback or forward to any version of a plugin like a BOSS!

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