• Hi,
    I recently upgraded my entire website to the latest versions available by the date of writing this post.
    unfortunately, I cannot see the status of topics in the forum area (buddypress+bbpress). but in the navigation panel of the groups, I can edit the Forum support settings. and I see the checkmark below the textarea, But there is no status in the forum titles, and there is no menu for selecting a topic as resolved/not resolved/working on it… .
    It’s kind of weird!!
    (i confirm that support topics was working fine in previous versions (wp 3.9, bp 1.8 and bbp 2.3)


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  • Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Hi could you be more specific about your bbPress config ?

    because as i’ve alerted here a year ago, version 2.0 of the plugin :

    No more support for BuddyPress group forums using bbPress 1.x

    This means, you need to use the bbPress plugin, and not the BuddyPress legacy forums component which is listed in the retired components of the BuddyPress components administration panel.

    Thread Starter Amin


    Thank you for your reply.
    sorry for insufficient info.

    buddypress 2.1.1
    wordpress 4.1
    bbpress plugin 2.5.4

    here are some screenshots. but I should say that this is a Persian language website, so please just see the problem, not the language.


    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Thank you.

    Could you check in each forum’s administration if in the support meta box one of the 2 first option is activated, for instance :
    > https://cloudup.com/cMnpR30LUTb

    Thread Starter Amin


    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet



    could you temporarily add this code to the functions.php of your active theme :

    function bpbbpst_debug_dropbox( $new_span, $args ) {
          var_dump( $new_span );
          return $new_span;
    add_filter( 'bpbbpst_support_admin_links', 'bpbbpst_debug_dropbox', 10, 2 );

    then check if some output is done in the topics single view

    Thread Starter Amin


    I put that code to the end of functions.php file of my theme (sparkling)
    but still no change at all.
    I also checked the wordpress default theme (twentyfifteen). but nothing…

    yes weird… could another plugin affect this plugin?

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    i was wondering about the “Quote” link in the topics admin links. Could you temporarly disable the plugin who is adding this link ?

    You can get rid of the code in your functions.php

    Could you check in the topic Administration screen if you have this
    Topic metabox

    Thread Starter Amin


    something bad happened!
    in the topics area in wp dashboard, the support column is clear for all topics. it seems the new version of support plugin does not read the data from previous version from database. I marked a topic as support topic, as you showed in the latest screenshot, and now I can see [support request].
    the plugin you mentioned is GD bbPress Tools, but it’s not producing the problem. as I said, I think database settings are changed in the new version! but maybe I’m wrong…

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    The only way this could happen is that you upgraded from version 1.0.x directly to version 2.0 without doing the 1.1 upgrade.

    Since 1.1, i’m using the same post meta :

    If you still have meta keys like 'support_topic' (that was the one i used to use in 1.0.x), you can temporarily add this code to the functions.php file of your active theme. Before doing so: make sure to do a database backup, just in case.

    function bbpst_upgrade_temp() {
         global $wpdb;
         $wpdb->update( $wpdb->postmeta, array( 'meta_key' => '_bpbbpst_support_topic' ), array( 'meta_key' => 'support_topic' ) );
    add_action( 'admin_init', 'bbpst_upgrade_temp' );

    Then go in WordPress backend and once the page loaded, remove the above code from the functions.php file of your active theme.

    Thread Starter Amin


    I did the same. but nothing solved.
    never mind imath, we decided to disable this functionality on our forum. maybe in future we decide to enable it and make support topics from the beginning!

    Thank you for your kind support.

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