Hi again, took a closer look at this one but in the end we’ve decided not to try to make it possible to include other content above or below the shortcode. Sorry for getting your hopes up before.
To explain…. This plugin uses it’s own templates to create a series of pages relating to the WP Knowledgebase post type. Everything relating to the knowledgebase is contained within those templates, and called via the shortcode. In other words, the [kbe_knowledebase] shortcode will get only the content in KBE templates. Hence why content above or below that shortcode is not called reliably on other pages of the knowledgebase. It would be possible (theoretically) to adjust that, but honestly I just don’t feel the time on working that out is justified as it would be so rare for a user to want to do that.
As an alternative, you can customise your templates with whatever content you wanted to show. That’s a much quicker and easier solution and will work perfectly in the existing plugin. More info on that in the FAQs.
Hope that helps explain.