• Resolved ftb



    I just installed your plugin.

    I am assuming that popularity is based on future interactions as I don’t have any data for now. Is that correct?

    Beside that, I tried using the comment display and so it shows previously commented pages, but some of them don’t display any picture and this despite the fact that most of my pages do have a feature image within them.

    Feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.


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  • Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hi there,

    Welcome to the forum!

    I am assuming that popularity is based on future interactions as I don’t have any data for now. Is that correct?

    Yes. Since WordPress itself doesn’t store views count, this plugin was created to take care of that. Sorting by comments count is no problem since WordPress does store that info since the beginning.

    I tried using the comment display and so it shows previously commented pages, but some of them don’t display any picture and this despite the fact that most of my pages do have a feature image within them.

    That’s odd. Could you please share your site’s URL so I can go take a look? The plugin “hides” debugging info in your site’s HTML that can help figure out what might be happening.

    Thread Starter ftb


    Hello Héctor,

    Thank you for your reply. Is there a way to show you this privately?

    Thread Starter ftb


    Sorry for the hassle but I think I will uninstall this. Cheers!

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