• one of the worst plugins i have ever experienced. there are no translations availabe, the english texts are full of spelling errors, backend things doesn’t work or save, what you have entered

    example: if you enter special characters like ?,?,ü,?,’,”,′,` into the Reply-To Name or email subject, it will be replaced by strange characters or escaped wrong

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by itskaehler. Reason: example for bugs given
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  • Hello @itskaehler ,

    We are sorry for your inconvenience. Normally we don’t facing the issues which you have found. We see that you have opened support ticket and working on it. We are concern about our clients problem and solve it as soon as possible.

    Best regards.

    Hello @itskaehler ,

    According to your review we have updated email encoding issue and update text label of our plugin. Our development team is working in your issues which you have provided. We will update our plugin very soon and inform you. Can you please co-operate with us that where have you been faced problem to translate text and text label. It will help us to satisfy our clients. As we are working continuously to give better service to our clients. Hope you will understand.

    Thank you for being with us.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter itskaehler



    no problem, i’ll test it, when the new version is released. thanks for your reply.

    Hello @itskaehler,

    We have released WPCafe 1.5.2. In this release we have fix email subject issue and update text label. Can you please describe where you have faced problem to translate and any other issues. We will solve your problem ASAP. Our team is continuously working hard to improve our plugin. Hope you will change your decision and up your rating for our plugin. Please contact with us for any problem of our plugin in our support center, we will carefully solve it. Hope you will understand.

    Thank you for your valuable time.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter itskaehler



    i updated the plugin, but some errors still exists.

    under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications settings > reply-to name works now with umlauts and special characters

    under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications email settings > New Reservation Email Subject it doesnt work or save the entered text with umlauts or special characters

    under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications email settings > New Reservation Email Body (Admin) it doesnt work or save the entered text with umlauts, special characters or allowed html tags

    under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications email settings > New Reservation Email Subject (User) it doesnt work or save the entered text with umlauts or special characters

    under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications email settings > New Reservation Email Body (User) it doesnt work or save the entered text with umlauts, special characters or allowed html tags

    Translation problem still exists, since some of texts are hardcoded in the source code, e.g.

    in wp-cafe/core/metaboxes/wpc-reservation-meta.php on line 241 and 242:

    get_post_meta( $postarr['ID'], 'wpc_booking_date', true ) . " Start time : " .
    get_post_meta( $postarr['ID'], 'wpc_from_time', true ) . " End time : " .

    I think the main problem of not saving the entered text correctly is, that you sanitize the request data with filter_input_array(INPUT_POST,FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS)

    in wp-cafe/core/base/wpc-settings-field.php on line 70

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by itskaehler. Reason: nice formatting of code

    Hello @itskaehler ,

    Thank your so much for your reply. Our QA team is testing the issues which you have provided. We will solve all the issues and inform you ASAP.

    Thank you again for your valuable time.

    Best regards.

    Hello @itskaehler

    Our team has almost finished resolving all of these issues you have mentioned. We are currently doing the final QA and will release a new update very soon. Thank you once again for drawing our attention to these issues and for being patient.

    Best regards.

    Hello @itskaehler ,

    We have released WPCafe v1.5.4. In this release we have fixed special character issues and translation issue. Our QA team is continuously checking and fixing issues whenever they find any. Feel free to test the latest version of WPCafe at your convenience. Let us know if you have any other issue. We’ll be waiting for your response.

    Thank you for your co operations and valuable time.


    Thread Starter itskaehler


    Sorry for the late response. it gets better from time to time. but there are still several bugs/errors.

    1. Reply-To Name still not correct, in backend i entered “Test’s” and in the email it’s “Test& #039;s”
    2. e-mail are not in the correct format, e.g my reply mail looks like this

    Sehr geehrte(r) {user_name},
    ihre Buchungsanfrage wurde erfolgreich im System vermerkt. Wir werden uns so bald wie m?glichen bei Ihnen melden und Ihre Buchung best?tigen.
    Hier nochmal eine übersicht Ihrer Daten:
    <strong>Name:</strong> {user_name}
    <strong>E-Mail:</strong> {user_email}
    <strong>Telefon:</strong> {phone}
    <strong>Datum & Uhrzeit:</strong> {date}
    <strong>G?stezahl:</strong> {party}
    <strong>Buchungsnummer:</strong> {invoice_no}
    Wir freuen uns, Sie bald als unsere G?ste begrü?en zu dürfen.
    Mit freundlichen Grü?en

    but the email output strips all the line endings like <br> and <p>

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by itskaehler.

    Hello @itskaehler ,

    Thank you for your response. We have noted it. Our QA team is checking the point that you have noted. Hope all will be fix and i will inform you. We are glad to have you. Please help us to improve more and give the better service.

    Thank you again.


    Hello @itskaehler

    I apologies for late reply. Our Full team focused on our flagship feature. We have solved the issue in email notification in the latest update V-1.6.2. Setting: ( https://prnt.sc/c7-XGBc3qFMh ) Email body: ( https://prnt.sc/irDyRUmIa_hU )
    Setting: ( https://prnt.sc/eQ63_ElI5QCD ) Reply To: ( https://prnt.sc/AAowNAaCpxxJ ).

    Feel free to check it in your free time and ask queries. We are working hard and continuously improving feature to provide better

    Can you please up your vote for our plugin? It will greatly motivate us and we will solve all your issues that you will provide.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards.

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