i updated the plugin, but some errors still exists.
under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications settings > reply-to name works now with umlauts and special characters
under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications email settings > New Reservation Email Subject it doesnt work or save the entered text with umlauts or special characters
under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications email settings > New Reservation Email Body (Admin) it doesnt work or save the entered text with umlauts, special characters or allowed html tags
under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications email settings > New Reservation Email Subject (User) it doesnt work or save the entered text with umlauts or special characters
under wp cafe > settings > reservation email > notifications email settings > New Reservation Email Body (User) it doesnt work or save the entered text with umlauts, special characters or allowed html tags
Translation problem still exists, since some of texts are hardcoded in the source code, e.g.
in wp-cafe/core/metaboxes/wpc-reservation-meta.php on line 241 and 242:
get_post_meta( $postarr['ID'], 'wpc_booking_date', true ) . " Start time : " .
get_post_meta( $postarr['ID'], 'wpc_from_time', true ) . " End time : " .
I think the main problem of not saving the entered text correctly is, that you sanitize the request data with filter_input_array(INPUT_POST,FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS)
in wp-cafe/core/base/wpc-settings-field.php on line 70
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
itskaehler. Reason: nice formatting of code