Hello David @dcgws,
I understand very well your decision, I also had and have many freemium model projects that I have developed and supported throughout the years. As a recommendation, I hope that you are not thinking that this plugin is the one that’s going to help you make a living, consider it as a way to get clients for development or consulting jobs, than donations, as there are millions of plugins on the market and if we start donating to each plugin that we use we better hire full time employees, and to give you an example, have you ever donated to the WordPress core team ? (not mentioning the rest of the plugins/themes that you are using). I’m not saying that you or any other developer should not receive donations, even I was asking for donations couple of years ago, but I have seen that this is not a business model I need to pursue and I’ve changed it to one of the 3: 1. scale it until it’s interesting enough to be sold (with 6k users I don’t believe it’s the case), 2. Use it in your portfolio so that you can promote your services as a developer or consultant (way more powerful if you have great reviews and your future employers can see how you write code and deal with support issues), 3. Create a pro version and set it up for sale on a marketplace and see if people are actually requesting it (if you have 6k users for the free version, most likely you’ll have around 5% paying customers, or more if you provide something at least 50% more powerful than the free version). More than this, adding the freemium functionality that most likely is not GDPR compliant (as it’s tracking and getting a lot of details about installations) + the annoying banners to upgrade/donate, that you cannot get rid of it’s not helping you at all.
In any case, it’s your dev and business and you know what’s the best solution for your needs.
Now to get back to my initial request, I was just asking for a changelog for the last commits as you have updated the plugin even after you have mentioned that you will not.
Thank you again for your work and hopefully this reply will help you take a decision on how to continue your work.
Wish you a great day!