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  • Plugin Author Lester Chan


    It might be your theme issue, check with your theme author. The polls HTML is generated, I can see it in the source. Probably your theme’s CSS is causing the problem.

    Not a very helpful answer, Lester – as can be noted in several other of your answers in this forum…you state the obvious and provide no solutions. If you are going to say “x” is the problem, then please say “here is a solution”. Otherwise please stop wasting people’s times…I have read several of your posts and just get frustrated that you have taken up my time with no solutions to the problems I am seeking to fix.

    Plugin Author Lester Chan


    Sorry if I make you feel that way and make you waste your time. I think you would be better off using a poll service like because it might be easier for you to setup.

    There are thousands if not millions of different combination of WordPress Themes/Plugins. It is close to impossible to make it work every single one of them.

    I can’t satisfy everyone and to be frank, my plugin is as a hobby and I don’t earn a single cent from it. And my support is free (though something is not up to your expectation, but it is still my time wasted)

    For @zakbushey, it is clearly the theme problem, because the CSS is overwriting the plugin code as the Poll HTML was generated and the Poll CSS loads.

    I am a firm believer that if my plugin doesn’t suit you, there are others out there that might. Like YOP Polls, Poll Daddy, etc

    Good luck.

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