Thanks for the fast response @andrewza,
Great information thanks.
2FA, or login related plugins we have are
- ‘Duo Two-Factor Authentication’ by Duo Security.
- WPMU Ldap Authentication (as we are in a multisite network, users are added to the network as a “subscriber”, then are added to particular blog sites with various roles per site. So users are added to the network and they register at that level. But they will be signing into particular sites using their LDAP login).
We do also allow SSO but I’m not yet sure of the specific internal workings of that (we are a large organization with several interconnected authentication flows).
What I’m trying to do is delete inactive, or spam users. I’m relying on the ‘when_last_login’ value to know if a user has logged in recently as a source of truth.
1. You mentioned that this may be set to “0” if the plugin fails to get the login timestamp, could that happen if the user had logged in recently but there was some issue (i.e. network issue)?
I want to be sure that I’m not deleting users based on that value if it can be set to “0”, after they have successfully ever logged in before (and having that value be registered at least once as an expected timestamp).
2. If when_last_login plugin is activated, and there are existing users who are registered, but have not logged in since this plugin was activated, should we expect an entry for those users in the ‘wp_usermeta’ table? Or should we expect no entry at all?