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  • Thread Starter 2bearstudio


    When I tried to access it using the url from older version like this:


    It says “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page”.

    I upgraded the plugin directly from version 1.2.?

    Plugin Author Zack Katz


    Yeah, that settings page is gone in 2.0.5. It’s all in the widget configuration now.

    I’m confused by this. On the installation tab it states “Go to the plugin settings page (under Settings > WP Wunderground)” but like 2bearstudio, I don’t see any settings. How do I control the display of this? Is it all through shortcodes now?

    I had to revert to the old version to keep things looking the way I want.

    Plugin Author Zack Katz


    I need to update the installation instructions – thanks for pointing that out.

    There’s a widget (Appearance > Widgets) and the shortcode (check out the shortcode parameters)

    Thread Starter 2bearstudio


    Please suggest, shortcode like this, which part is wrong?

    [forecast location=”IGUANACA11″ location_title=”” numdays=”6″ todaylabel=”Today” iconset=”Mobile” measurement=”F” layout=”table-horizontal” hidedata=”search,pop,text”]

    I tried many combinations, beside showing 6 days forecast, nothing else is correct.

    Plugin Author Zack Katz


    Thanks for pointing that out – the hidedata parameter wasn’t working. I’ve just released 2.0.7, which fixes this issue.

    Thread Starter 2bearstudio


    Thank you for the update. I am getting close. Here is my current code:

    [wunderground location=”IGUANACA11″ location_title=”” numdays=”6″ iconset=”Mobile” measurement=”F” highlow=”%%high%%°/%%low%%°” layout=”table-horizontal” showdata=”highlow” hidedata=”search,date,pop,text”]

    I assume the result I get from version 1.x is correct. Then, existing question:

    – I can’t get the correct forecast, the temperature is wrong.
    – Once I show “highlow”, there is no weather icons. If I remove showdata=”highlow”, the icon is back. But I need show “highlow”
    – The highlow format (copied from version 1.x) doesn’t work.

    Plugin Author Zack Katz


    Can you provide a link? ( Yes, highlow formatting is no longer the same as in 1.x )

    Thread Starter 2bearstudio



    Here is current code:
    [wunderground location=”IGUANACA11″ location_title=”” numdays=”6″ iconset=”Mobile” measurement=”F” layout=”table-horizontal” showdata=”highlow” hidedata=”search,date,pop,text”]

    Here is the output:

    & here is what I get from the old version

    Plugin Author Zack Katz


    Thread Starter 2bearstudio


    Thank you for your attention to this.

    If that’s what you get, there are two things aren’t correct:

    1. The forecast (I use the old version result as reference)
    2. Your sample shows date, not high/low

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