Noidex metatag to groups of pages
I didnt get any answers on bbpress official forum so I’ll try here as well.
I need to add the metatag “noindex” to some group of pages, for example:
Category Archives
Tag Archives
Author Archives
Date Archives
Search Pages
Attachment PagesI tried different plugins that should do the trick (yoast and the seo framework) but they don’t.
I already contacted their support, again with no luck:
So is there a way to add the noindex metatag to the <head> of these groups of pages?
I am using BBP 2.5.14, WP 4.9.1 and Forum – A responsive theme for bbPress plugin by Dannci | ThemeForest.
I already tried to use the basic themes but the issue is still there.
Thank you,
the Process
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