• 2. Manually insert into your theme.

    1. Open wp-content/themes/<Your theme folder>/.

    2. You may place it in archive.php, single.php, post.php or page.php also.

    3. Find <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>.

    4. Add anywhere below it (The place you want Reactions to show): <?php if (function_exists(‘dw_reactions’)) { dw_reactions() } ?>.

    If you DO NOT want the reactions to appear in every post/page, DO NOT use the code above. Just type in [reactions] into the selected post/page and it will embed reactions into that post/page only.

    If you to use reactions button for specific post/page you can use this short code [reactions id=”1″], where 1 is the ID of the post/page.

    If you want to show reactions button you can use [reactions count=false button=true].

    If you want to show reactions count you can use [reactions count=true button=false].

    tried them but didnt work


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