• I’ve just installed a plugin called Wp-Carousel

    I did it by going to Plug-Ins>Add New

    The problem is in the readme text file that came with it it gives these instructions:

    == Installation ==

    1. Upload wp-carousel folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    3. Place <?php wp_carousel(''); ?> in your templates

    == Frequently Asked Questions ==

    = How can I edit the carousel’s style =

    You can edit the carousel’s images placed in img folder (inside wp-carousel folder).

    CSS code is located in carousel-css.php, in wp-carousel.


    So I’ve done 1 and 2, but as far as placing the code in the template i’m lost.

    I don’t know which template it is referring too.

    I’m assuming it’s one of the php files in Appearance>Editor, but for the life of me can’t figure out which one.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Also I don’t understand the information given on how to edit the carousel’s style. I understnad the first line but I get lost with

    ‘CSS code is located in carousel-css.php, in wp-carousel.’

    I have no clue what that means. I hope I don’t offend anybody with such a simplistic enquiry.

    I hope you can help.

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  • Short answer could be, place it in your theme’s index.php or sidebar.php file (can be edited via Appearance Editor)

    For the future you might want to understand the WordPress Template Hierarchy and Stepping Into Templates.

    Thread Starter jsto


    I’ve done that at it has not worked ??

    I’ll read those guides, hopefully they’ll help


    I had installed jcarousel plugin in my site,but it is not displayed in installed plugins in wordpress.

    I cant understand ,why its not appearing,

    Please help!


    Did you install the plugin to the plugins folder? If so it should appear when you log into WordPress and look in the plugins tab on the dashboard.

    Did you unzip the plugin before uploading?

    The wp-carousel plugin is dependent on the php-exec plugin. Install php-exec, then input the <?php wp_carousel(‘carousel#’); ?> code into the “html” editor option, not the “visual editor” and click Update.

    Php code inserted from the visual editor side, or any time the visual editor is loaded as the default view, the php code will be lost. There are instructions in the php-exec plugin on how to configure this option.

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