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  • I’m having this issue also. Any solutions?

    I solved this for myself – make sure your template is set to ‘NextGEN: gallery.php’ in ‘Customize the display settings’

    Thread Starter darkmatter661


    First off, there are problems with this new version viewing it in Chrome… option pages are BLANK! So I switched to IE and now can see the options, but there’s no “Customize the display settings”. Instead there’s a “Gallery Settings” and the only place where I can select gallery.php is for Basic Thumbnails, which produced no change. Still getting same [Not a valid template] message on the page.

    Nothing was working for me until I found that the template under Gallery Settings > NEXTGEN Basic Thumbnails had the old path (to the local site).

    Go to:
    1. Gallery > Gallery Settings > NEXTGEN Basic Thumbnails
    2. Make sure that the Template being used has the correct path in your server.

    I got this to work by luck. I went into the Gallery Settings and made sure each “template” box was blank. Then I went in and used the “attach to post” option to add the album to the page. You also have to make sure the “template” box is clear here as well. If you select a template in any of the places the code breaks and gives the “Not A Valid Template” error.

    Tks, negotiator17!
    Solved my problem by your tip!
    PS: sorry for my english (Google Translate)

    This issue was solved by deactivating “NGG Public Image Uploader”.

    That plugin was installed to allow users to log in from the front-end and upload images to a NextGen gallery. Instead, we got that error “No valid template” in every instance where a gallery should show up. Additionally, it broke the template.

    WordPress 3.6.1.
    NextGen Version 2.0.33

    Thank you to uncommondepth!
    That solved the problem also in my case.

    Greetings Tschuliaaa

    Thanks negotiator17

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    All – Using the Reset Option under Gallery > Other Options may also help to quickly sort out issues related to paths not being correct.

    – Cais.

    Hi, I have tha same issue. I want to solv by this:

    1.Gallery > Gallery Settings > NEXTGEN Basic Thumbnails
    2. Make sure that the Template being used has the correct path in your server.

    I want to change this:


    to this:

    NextGEN: album-extend.php

    and when I click on button save, nothing happen. It didnt save. What is wrong? Why I cant save it?

    OK, I just solve it by myself. I had to reset settings NextGen gallery and now it works. by Zdenek

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @weebment – Thanks for the update.

    – Cais.

    I’m getting the same error “Not a valid template” I have tried almost of the suggestions above – making sure my paths are correct, removing any path from template fields, using the reset option and I am still getting the error. I am at a loss for what to do. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @randiferous – If the ideas and suggestions in this topic did not help you should start your own topic as there most likely is a different cause for the issue you are seeing than the other in this topic were experiencing.


    – Cais.

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