• Resolved wpgoodwill


    We are not able to add our custom message in Public Access –> What Message should People without Access See?

    We tried to select the dropdown value “Show Them the anonymous message (below)” but still not able to type in to the tinemce block.

    We tried to disable all the plugins and also checked on 2022 theme as well.
    Wordpress Version 6.0

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by wpgoodwill. Reason: added wp version
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • Plugin Author pkarjala


    Hi, what version of the Authorizer plugin do you currently have installed?

    Thread Starter wpgoodwill



    currently using 3.4.0 of Authorizer Plugin.

    Plugin Author pkarjala


    Have you tested this on a fresh install of WordPress, and then only installing Authorizer?

    Thread Starter wpgoodwill



    Yes we did a fresh localhost install with only installing authorizer plugin.
    But still the tinymce area it not able to type in our message in it.

    Please check screenshot:


    Plugin Author pkarjala


    Thank you for the confirmation. We’ll start looking into it!

    If possible, please let us know if there are any console log errors in the browser, or PHP errors in the server logs.

    Plugin Author pkarjala


    Quick additional question; do you have Authorizer installed on a single site setup or a Multisite setup? I’m assuming the former but just want to make sure.

    Plugin Author pkarjala


    I’ve been unable to reproduce this issue in our test environment on a fresh install of WordPress 6.0 with Authorizer 3.4.0 installed.

    Have you tried testing this with different web browsers to see if it is browser specific?

    Thread Starter wpgoodwill


    Hey Hi,

    Thanks for your replies.

    There’s no console errors. And Authorizer is in single site setup.
    Also let me try with different browser and let you know.

    Thread Starter wpgoodwill


    We checked on different browsers and also deactivated our Antivirus just incase if any script is not allowed to load.
    But still no success.

    Can you check this video for your reference:
    [video src="https://academy.checkmate.net.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/authorizer-plugin.mp4" /]

    If you need any more details do let me know.

    Plugin Author pkarjala


    Thank you, I watched the sample video. It looks like a different theme is enabled in your testing setup?

    Are you able to set up a fresh WordPress install by itself with no additional themes or plugins installed, and then install Authorizer? We want to make sure that it is a completely new, unaltered WordPress install that is running Authorizer to rule out any plugin or theme code conflicts.

    Thread Starter wpgoodwill


    Thanks a lot for closely following up.

    Sure, will do that and update you.

    Thread Starter wpgoodwill


    It worked well with fresh installation and with a default theme 2022.

    But now when I restore the database from earlier backup, it does not work. Can you let me know if I wanted to clear the records of authorizer from DB. How and which table to clear will get that cleared.

    Or suggest us a better way.

    Thread Starter wpgoodwill


    Hi pkarjala,

    I dont see any option to edit the default message in tinymce (main issue).
    SC below:

    Fresh install and 2022 theme works well. But as we are importing our previous database it does not work. Can you help us to delete the config of previous settings in DB or in any files?

    Thank you for your support

    Plugin Author pkarjala


    Hi @wpgoodwill apologies for the long follow up, our team was on vacation for a bit.

    Here are a few things you can try:

    1. Edit your user profile (hover over “Howdy, [username]” in the upper right corner of the WordPress dashboard and click “Edit Profile” in the menu) and check “Disable the visual editor when writing”. Then see if you can edit the raw HTML in a textarea instead of TinyMCE in Authorizer.

    2. Try disabling plugins in your setup one by one to see if you can narrow it down to a specific plugin conflict. Alternatively, if you think the conflict is in your theme, browse the theme folder for all actions and filters (add_action() and add_filter()) and see if one of them looks like it is related to TinyMCE.

    3. You can try deleting Authorizer settings in the database. Either delete the row in the wp_options table with option_name = 'auth_settings', or just disable and delete delete the Authorizer plugin, then download and activate it again.

    Hopefully one of these options will help!

    Thread Starter wpgoodwill


    Hi @pkarjala

    Thats absolutely fine, you guys deserve a vacation ??

    Our main issue was with the theme, we unintalled it and tested it out with 2022 theme.

    Thank you for your support.

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