• Resolved nexlynx


    Recently upgrade plugin for PayPal PPCP (new api), now v5.0.9. afterwards, the reference field is no longer hidden on my website. This is the shortcode I’m using.

    [wp_paypal_payment_box email="[email protected]" '

    . 'options="Single (1) Ticket:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price) .' '

    . '|Two (2) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 2) .' '

    . '|Three (3) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 3) .' '

    . '|Four (4) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 4) .' '

    . '|Five (5) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 5) .' '

    . '|Six (6) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 6) .' '

    . '|Seven (7) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 7) .' '

    . '|Eight (8) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 8) .' '

    . '|Nine (9) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 9) .' '

    . '|Ten (10) Tickets:' . display_whole_dollar($ticket_reg_price * 10) . '" '

    . 'currency="USD" reference="" return="https://website.com/thank-you" new_window="1"]
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  • Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Thank you for reaching out to us. Please check the following forum post with a reply by one of the developers. This should help you understand how to create the shortcode with the latest plugin version.


    Kind regards.

    Thread Starter nexlynx


    Appreciate the response. I’ve been using your plugin for years. Prior to your recent upgrade the code displayed properly on my website. My code is correct as documented and my code hasn’t changed. Once I updated the plugin to latest version, it no longer displays properly on my website. In my case I have no need for the “reference field(s)” and prefer the “text, colon and text field” to not display at all on the website. But that’s not the case the colon and empty text field still display.

    Plugin Author mra13


    The shortcode you provided is not valid. Previously, it worked because the older PayPal checkout system did not rely on JavaScript, making it more lenient regarding semantics. However, the new PayPal checkout system is more sensitive to JavaScript issues and will break if there are any.

    For now, you can continue using the older PayPal checkout option if you are not ready to update the shortcode using the current documentation.

    While you are using the older checkout, you can do the following side by side without affecting your current checkout system (this will let you see if you like the following option more):

    Install our following plugin which uses the new PayPal API and it has advanced options to configure a product/donation/service.

    You can install and use our following plugin to see if you like it. If not, you can just delete the plugin after you try it:


    The following two features of this plugin might be helpful for you so I will point it out here:

    Create product variations (So you can offer a range of choices for your service/product):


    Allow the users to pay what they want (so the customer can enter an amount for your service/product):


    Thread Starter nexlynx


    This morning I was able to spend some reviewing my code and your videos and reference examples on your website. To correct my issue was to simply remove the [reference=””] code from the shortcode I was using to create my paypal payment button. Even though your documentation clearly states, the above was the correct syntax to hide the “reference box”.
    “Hiding the Reference Field From the Payment Widget. Use the parameter reference=”” in the shortcode will hide/disable that field.”

    Thread Starter nexlynx


    How can I center your “Button”? currently its left justified and I’m unable to center, even though the shortcode is wrapped in a <div>.
    <div style=”text-align: center;”>[wp_paypal_payment_box]</div>

    Plugin Author mra13


    Try the following code in an HTML block. It should center align the shortcode:

    <div style="margin-right:auto; margin-left: auto; width:300px;">

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