• About twice a day, I get a page with the following error message when attempting to save a draft or publish a post:

    Not Acceptable
    An appropriate representation of the requested resource /stage/wp-admin/post.php could not be found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Apparently, my installation is being hammered by spam bots; I guess the bots don’t realize I have commenting disabled and just keep hitting my blog until it falls over. Has anyone else here had to deal with this? I thought the current release was supposed to take care of the hacks and spam attacks. Are there any current or former Moveable Type users — or of other blog software packages here — who’ve had this problem? This error has been chronic ever since I’ve been using WP, popping up, on average, at least once or twice a day; it shows no sign of letup, and the support staff at my hosting site have been run ragged with it.

    This is on top of all the other earlier headaches with finding a theme that isn’t graphics-bloated and overdesigned, and customizing it once I get it. It’s as if I have to be a css guru if I just want to customize a theme, or else I’m SOL, and the overall impression I’m getting from WP is that it’s for css jocks who just happen to have blogs, as opposed to actual bloggers. The first blog I ever set up — for an alternative media group I work with — was on Blogger, and it didn’t come even remotely close to being as painful to work with as WP.

    I’ve been using WP for a little over a month now, and my total experience with it has consisted of short periods of productivity interspersed with vast stretches of pure pain in the form of this one regularly recurring error, which stops me from doing anything at all on my blog. It’s been almost nonstop headaches, and this single issue has been pretty much the backbreaker for me. I’m about this close to cutting my losses, tossing my last month’s worth of work on this blog and starting over with something else, anything else — even Blogger — that will let me get some actual blogging done, and heal the bruise on my forehead that I got from banging it on the table everytime my blogging was brought to a screeching halt by that same damn’ “Not Acceptable” error pretty much every damn’ day.

    I really don’t know if I can continue using WP if I can’t trust it to not be knocked over by spambots at least once a day. I mean, really, seriously. Speaking of “unacceptable”, this kind of thing really really is unacceptable.

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  • Make sure you have the latest update (2.8.5) and try disabling all plug-ins.
    Try using the default theme. You never know.
    Give that a shot.

    If not, go postal:
    Export your blog in it’s entirety (under Tools), then delete the whole WP install, and download and install the full 2.8.5 version, then import your blog back in.

    I am running 2.9.2 and have asimilar problem:

    ‘An appropriate representation of the requested resource /wp-admin/users.php could not be found on this server.’

    This happen when I try to view Users in the database beyond the initial page. It also is occuring when I Try to add a new user.

    I thought it was a premissions problem, but changing to ‘755’ on user.php doesn’t cure it. Any Ideas?

    Well I’m on 2.92 and I’ve not been able to post anything for 6 weeks because of this stupid problem and it truly has become very annoying.

    Not Acceptable

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource /wordpress/wp-admin/media-upload.php could not be found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    I clearly do not understand why someone at WordPress is not on this to find the problem. I’m on the verge of hanging it up and trashing my site and forgetting about it. I clearly do not understand how one can be going along with no problems posting and out of the blue with no warning my site has been basically flushed down the toilet because of this problem.

    Truly unbelievable the lack of a commitment from WordPress to solve this problem!


    Moderator James Huff


    You may have been unable to post for six weeks, but you only posted about now, and to a very old thread as well, so cut us some slack. We’re all volunteers doing our best to support several users on our free time, and not everyone can answer every problem.

    Now, regarding your problem, here are a few things to try:

    1. Confirm that the /wordpress/wp-admin/media-upload.php file does exist. if it doesn’t, download WordPress and upload a copy of the file.

    2. Deactivate all plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.

    3. Contact your hosting provider. A server-side security script may be preventing the proper use of that file.

    I’ve had a similar problem since installation. To the best of my knowledge, we started with the newest version of WordPress; we only set up the website two weeks ago. Regardless, we’ll try the steps James suggests.

    At any rate, I did have one piece of information that might pinpoint the fix. The problem ONLY occurs when I try to post a link. It happens whenever I try to post a link, whether I use the ‘link’ button or just type in something like https://www.robertcroman.com or [email protected].

    Please, I’d appreciate any feedback as to what type of server-side script might be causing the error. That way I can take that information to my hosting provider, rather than just going to them with an ambiguous complaint about security scripts.

    Thanks terribly much for your time,


    Moderator James Huff


    mod_security is the most popular server-side security script. I’d start with that.

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