• The plugin is not adding an author thumbnail to the database.
    Specifically – the user_meta record is not added.

    An hacked-together workaround is to:

    1) Add a 150px X 150px user pic using the media function in the admin panel.
    2) Copy down the URL to this.
    3) Find the user_id in wp_users (eg: using phpmyadmin), (in the example, assume this id is 22) then TEMPORARILY add a piece of code to your footer.php or header.php file (of your child theme), such as this:

    $user_id = 22; // The user id your found
    $meta_key = 'author_profile_picture';
    $meta_value = 'https://mydomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/myuserimage.jpg'; // The image URL you copied down
    add_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $unique );

    Bring up one page of your site then delete this code.

    Your new user image should have been added. Obviously this is a quick & dirty kludge until when and if this plugin becomes updated.


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  • Here’s another solution…

    Find the file ‘easy-author-image-uploader.js’ in the js folder

    On line 16, replace:
    var image_url = $('img',html).attr('src');

    var image_url = $(html).attr('src');

    (just remove ‘img’,)

    Thread Starter FeralReason



    This does display the image when you add it to your profile. However, although the image is created, no record for it is created in the user meta. If you look at the database in phpmyadmin, no record is created in the wp_user_meta table for the meta_key “author_profile_picture” for the particular user for which we are trying to add the image.

    I’m still trying to understand where the code is that creates this record and why it has broken… ??

    Thread Starter FeralReason


    I’ve gotten a little further in the diagnostics, in case this helps anyone solve this:

    When a new author image is added, the image is added to the media library but when line 122 ( in easy-author-image.php) attempts to update the user_meta_record, the $_POST[‘author_profile_picture_url’] variable is empty (verified by echoing the variable and then exiting).
    As a result the user_meta_record is not updated with the new author profile url. See code below:

    update_user_meta( $user_id, 'author_profile_picture', $_POST['author_profile_picture_url'] ); // Line 122 in easy-author-image.php

    It COULD be that this variable is empty because the variable $avatar is not being updated — which means the input field for id=”author_profile_picture_url” (on line 84 in easy-author-image.php) is empty when the submit button is clicked. HOWEVER – this has not been tested yet.

    (Currently in in WordPress 4.0.1.)

    There is an easier way, that does not require modifying the plugin.

    When you upload using the plugin’s ‘upload new profile picture’ button, the image *does indeed* get uploaded to the Media Library, even though there is no success message and the open dialog is blank and stay open – simply refresh the (user profile) page, then click on the ‘upload new profile picture’ button again, but this time use the link/tab that says “media library” instead of uploading a file. Choose the image and then on the “show” link – be sure that the image attachment URL is in the box where it should be – then click on the button that says “make this my author profile image”.

    I’ve used this method now on several current installs of WP (currently 4.1.1) and it works fine.

    Thread Starter FeralReason


    @trisham I have tried this and no database record is being created. Yes, the image is saved to the media library but the usefulness of this plugin, at least for me and I think for many others, is the ability to display an author thumbnail with the post. To do this you have to use the function get_author_image_url(), which is defined in the plugin file easy-author-image.php. In order to get the url to the image, this function attempts to read a database record in table wp_usermeta, with a meta-key of of “author_profile_picture” and a meta-value that contains the path to this image. The only problem is that a database record is no longer being created for this, so the get_author_image_url() only works for User images that were added before this stopped working.

    But just to verify, if you have phpmyadmin installed, attempt to create a new user (or edit a user that does not have a profile picture) and then add a new profile picture. If you open up your database in phpmyadmin (and your system is working like mine — which I suspect it is) you will find that, for this user’s ID, there is no wp_usermeta record containing the path to this author_profile_picture. Additionally, if you use the get_author_image_url() function in a template, you will find that it does not return an image path — because this database record does not exist.

    Retrieving images for users that had profile pictures added before this ‘broke’ still works fine — but you cannot add a new profile image because the database record is no longer being created.

    If you confirm that this database record is being created in your database, I would be very interested (and completely baffled) :). Thx.

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