• Resolved Olaf Lederer



    I tried the plugin for my WooCommerce webshop with~45.000 products and I’m impressed about the great search experience!

    There just one problem: only 12500 products are indexed. I did also a re-index and it’s still the same number. Ross told me before that there is not really a limit. Any idea why it goes wrong?

    Thanks Olaf


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  • Thread Starter Olaf Lederer



    I found inside the code this query and see there what my problem is

    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."posts p WHERE TRIM(p.post_title) <> '' AND TRIM(p.post_content) <> '' AND p.post_type IN(".$allowedPostTypes.") AND p.post_status = 'publish'";

    Many products in my database doesn’t have a description right now.
    Does it make sense to remove that condition from the query to index all results or is that problem on your site?

    Plugin Contributor Igor Belykh


    Hi Olaf,

    Yes, we thought that some of production might be without description and we have fixed this thing in version 1.0.10. Please try to update the plugin.


    Thread Starter Olaf Lederer


    Hi Igor,

    right I removed the two queries from the plugin.php file and it worked very well. Great that we use the same fix at the same time ??

    Plugin Contributor Igor Belykh


    Hi Olaf,

    Yes, that’s great:) But there’re more than two queries in plugin.php, hooks.php fixed too otherwise after update the document wouldn’t be synchronized with the SearchIQ server if the document description is empty.


    Thread Starter Olaf Lederer


    Thanks for the insights. I’m using WP All Import for the product import/updates. Does these import trigger updates too?

    I guess I can check this inside the table “wp_siq_sync” after an update has been done?

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