I have checked and indeed there is a problem with Serbian version. Google recently has made some changes to their free library and the issue happens specifically to Serbian language.
The thing is that for Serbian this particular HTML:
<a i=0>Введение.</a><a i=1>Истина – главный вопрос философии, науки и самой жизни. </a>
is being translated to:
<а и=0>Увод.</а><а и=1>Истина ?е главно пита?е филозофи?е, науке и самог живота. </а>
While for other languages it does not translate the a tag attribute “i” and it stays the same.
For English it is translated to:
<a i=0>Introduction.</a><a i=1>Truth is the main question of philosophy, science and life itself. </a>
Please note the difference in Serbian <а и=0>
vs English <a i=0>
The conversion of attribute “i” to “и” confuses the javascript library, which expects the attribute name to stay intact.
I hope Google Translate team will solve the issue with Serbian language.
Meanwhile you can use our paid version which does not depend on javascript library and it will be fine: https://gtranslate.io/#pricing
Thanks! ??