• Hi,

    I recently was trying to install a WP blog
    on my server using fantastico and I think
    I made a huge error. So I deleted
    all the files from the server, when I try to
    install the blog again using fantastico I get
    the following message:

    The installation can not be completed:

    – You cannot install more than one script in the root directory of a domain.

    Click on the browser’s Back button to fix reported errors.

    I even went so far as to remove the domain from the server
    and add it again but nothing changed. I still keep getting that
    message. Any idea how I can fix that?

    I also deleted my main site by mistake.
    Well actually I accidentally deleted my database for my main
    site which is a word press theme I’m using called
    One Theme.

    I logged into the server and added the database again but
    when i tried to access the site I got the WP install

    The files are still on the site, what i deleted was the database
    so I thought when I replaced the database again with the same
    info in the wp-config.php that It would be rectified.

    Alas it wasn’t

    I would greatly appreciate any assistance anyone can give
    me or advice as I’m completely stumped as to what my next
    move should be.


    warmest regards


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