On my domain shop.myproject.com I have wordpress running with woocomerce and your plugin.
On myproject.com domain I have VueJS application with products.
My idea is that every visitor of the site can make a purchase without registration.
I would add products to the cart through your plugin (CoCart.post(“cart/add-item”, data)…?).
When he wants to complete the order, I would send him to shop.myproject.com directly to the cart where he could complete the order.
Now I have a follow-up experiment:
const coCart = new CoCartAPI({
url: "https://shop.myproject.com",
consumerKey: 'ck_acf0ac0906c...8', // required
consumerSecret: 'cs_ce9f6123...22, // required
(consumerKey, consumerSecret) are required and bound to the user registered in the e-shop.
Add to cart:
const data = {"quantity": "1", "id": "12"}
coCart.post("cart/add-item", data) // returns cart_key "1"
Load cart:
coCart.get("cart/items", {"cart_key": "1" }) // return error code 403
I don’t know if I’m doing everything right and if it’s even possible to achieve my idea.
If I need to buy a plugin, I have no problem, but I don’t know if it will help.
Thank you for an answer