Hello ??
Thank you very much for taking the time to leave a review. I really appreciate it.
I’ve actually had a scheme hosting site in the works for a while. It will be a repository of schemes that anyone can submit to and anyone can download from. I hope that will be able to address your first point. I don’t currently have an ETA on when the site will go live, but I am working on it and it shouldn’t be very long.
On your second point… I actually created an automated script for generating color schemes. That is actually what I used to create the default color schemes that come with the plugin. It is a LOT easier than writing them by hand. I may look into releasing that script and/or including an interface for it on the new scheme hosting site in the near future.
As for your third point, I do apologize. I currently have a day job that has kept me pretty busy, and as such I haven’t really had time to get my site back up and running. I do hope to have some time soon though to do that, so hopefully it won’t be down for very much longer.
As is stated on my site currently, you can always contact me via email if you have any issues with the plugin. I usually am able to respond in a very timely fashion, so feel free to drop me a quick message if you ever need help.
Anyway, thanks again for leaving your review. It is definitely appreciated.
Thanks for using the plugin and I hope you still find it useful.