• My blog posts are no longer connecting to Facebook. Has there been a change this week?

    This morning I saw this message: “Before you hit Publish, please refresh the following connection(s) to make sure we can publicise your post: Refresh connection with Facebook”

    So I followed the link, tried to reconnect, and got this message: “App not set up
    This app is still in development mode, and you don’t have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.”

    It went ahead anyway, saying, “Connecting Facebook
    Is this the account you’d like to connect? All your new blog posts will be automatically shared to this account. You’ll be able to change this option in the editor sidebar when you’re writing a post.”

    I pressed CONNECT, and then I got this message: “! An error occurred while connecting the account.”

    I went to the sharing page to see this: “We’ve made some updates to Publicise. Please visit the WordPress.com sharing page to manage your Publicise connections or use the button below.”

    The link doesn’t work, so I used the button instead. And went through the exact same loop.

    I’m using JetPack but don’t remember there being an update recently.

    Is there a known issue?

    Cheers for any help.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • mother.of.code


    The Mother of Code

    That does sound like a Jetpack issue, and I’d recommend asking them for advice. It may be that something changed on Facebook’s end that requires a reset of your connection. The folks at Jetpack will know of any known issues.

    Best to pop your question in here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/jetpack/

    Thread Starter dianewordsworth


    Thank you, @imazed. I’ll try that.

    Thread Starter dianewordsworth


    It looks like FB have changed their pages again, which means there will probably be a delay – if, indeed, they allow us to connect our pages to WordPress. They stopped the profile connection a few years ago. I’m going to go and share the issue on JetPack support too, though, just in case.

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