The idea is that since it is possible to have more than one ‘Grant Parent’ on some systems very many albums were created that were never used. So, i changed it a few months ago. Now, the albums are only created when either one of these conditions are met: 1. There is a shortcode that requests the content of the parent album, or 2. There is an upload dialog (either box or widget as explained above) with a selection box for the album selection.
This is why i said:
Add an upload widget with default settings or box ( shortcode [wppa type=”upload”][/wppa] ) to the page where the albums should show up.
At least after refreshing the page, the albums should show up.
To avoid this kind of confusion, i will change it in the next version, as such that when there is only one ‘Grant Parent’, the album will always be created when the logged in user first loads any page, regardless if the album will be shown or used. (6.6.18)
So, either do as i instructed and add the widget or the shortcode, or wait until version 6.6.18 ( end of the week )