• Anonymous User 17818406



    I have installed your plugin and bought WP Media Folder plugin, from Joomunited.

    I have read the documentation, but folders are not synchronizing:

    A. The folders made in server (or using your plugin, writing the filepath for a file) are not appearing in WordPress Media.
    B. The folders created with Joomunited plugin (WP Media Folder) are not appearing in server.

    In the settings of your plugin, I have clicked in “Move existing media”.
    In the settings of WP Media Folder, I have activated the Server Folder Sync.

    The web is complete new and fresh wordpress instalation:
    –Theme used is Twenty Twenty.
    –plugins activated are Limit “Login Attempts Reloaded”, “WP Media folder” and “WP Media folders”


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Anonymous User 17818406.
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  • Plugin Author dbarrere



    I’m sorry for the late reply but I’m vacation, please expect some delays in my replies.

    Could you please enable the debug log in the plugin configuration try to move the files again and share the /wp-content/plugins/wp-media-folders/debug.php file here https://flowcrypt.com/me/damienbarrere
    It will help me to understand what’s the problem.

    This issue is the same as the one here? https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/max-user-connection-error/

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17818406


    Hi, thank you for your quick answer, even in vacation!

    I have sent the log file to the link you pointed at.

    I asked Joomunited team about this issue, and this is what they told me:

    #) A + B. Yes, by default the folders you create on FTP are not automatically displayed in “Media Library”.
    And the folders you create on “Media Library” are not created on your FTP (We use the virtual directory structure on Media Library to manage your media).

    #) You need to contact the support of the “WP Media Folders” for support on the issue of using “Move existing media”

    #)Do I need to select which folders I want to sync?

    -> To use our “Server sync” feature. You need to select a folder on FTP and a folder on your website to perform synchronization.

    I thought with both plugins, virtual folders and server folders would been created automatically, maybe I am wrong.

    This issue is the same as the one here? https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/max-user-connection-error/-

    ———— NO, NO, that issue is different, must be originated for any complication with theme or other plugins. Anyway, in that web I will use just a virtual folder, I donn’t need real folders in server.

    Plugin Author dbarrere



    The folders created in the actual directory will not be created manually.
    The plugin will only work for local folders, not FTP folders or cloud folders.

    WP Media FolderS plugin will only create real folders (when there is at least 1 file inside the folder) when a file is moved or created inside a virtual folder from the WordPress media manager, or when you change the path of the file in the media library.

    Please try this.
    – Remove the debug.php file, so that we can have a new fresh debug file
    – Disable WP Media Folder from Joomunited (as we want to check the base features first)
    – Send a new media in the WordPress media manager
    – Open the media in the WordPress media manager
    – Change the file path like here https://ps.w.org/wp-media-folders/assets/screenshot-1.png?rev=1954939
    – Close the media (cross in the top right corner)
    During the process, you should have a green dot in the admin menu bar, changing to orange during the process, then changing back to green after the end, do you have this behavior?
    You can check the actual file in the server to see if the actual path have changed.
    If not please share your debug.php file.
    If it worked then you can repeat the process with WP Media Folder installed, but instead of changing the file path in the WordPress media manager, you can move the file from a folder to another one and see if it worked as expected.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17818406



    I followed your steps and everything works fine.
    Then I activate WP Media Folder plugin (from Joomunited). In its settings, I have “activate the sync” and “activate 2 ways sync”. Note that the folders which shows are different in server and virtual (I sill did not create manually folders with the same names).

    1. I creaate a new virtual folder
    2. This folder does not appear in server (this is ok, I think)
    3. I upload a new image to Media (using wordpress dashboard, not server)
    4. I try to move that image (click and drag) to the folder created in step 1, but the image is not moving. I am using the list view, not the grid.
    5. I press “move existing media” in your plugin settings, but the image is not moving.
    6. In Media, I change the files view to grid view instead of list view, and now I can move the image to the folder created in step 1.
    7. In server, the folder has been creeated correctly.

    So it seems there are two things to notice:

    A. Creation of real folders in server from the virtual ones works fine. Creation of virtual folders from real server folders, does not work (and I think this is working as expected, not a bug)
    B. Moving images only works in grid view mode.

    I will write to joomunited to explain all this and ask if they can fix point B.


    Plugin Author dbarrere



    A. You’re right
    B. Yes it should move files regardless of the view used.

    5. Seems also to be a bug, it should move existing media to the right place.
    I’ll make local tests to make sure it’s not a global issue.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17818406


    Hi, I have uploaded a lot of files and folders to server (in wp-content folder) then I have imported that folder into Uploads folder (with the Import function of the Joomunited plugin WP Media Folder). In Media, the virtual folder structure appears correctly, with its correspondent files inside the folders. Your plugin starts to works to make the real folders in server, I can see the little orange icon on the top bar and the amount of “attachments queued to be moved”.

    When it is green and 0 count, some files have not been moved to its real server folders, the folders are not created and the files are still in Uploads folder. Ok, so I go to your Settings and click “Move existing media”. The little icon is orange again and starts to work. Usually this works great and finally the folders are created, the files are moved, and all have their correct filepath (I check it in Media, just to be sure).

    But today, with this big upload (460 files and 168 folders), after all this procees there are still a lot of files in the Uploads folder. (561 files, counting also their thumbnails and also counting some files which are in Uploads and don’t need to be moved to any other folder).

    So my questions are:

    1. Will this files will be moved automatically after some time or do I have to do anything else?

    2.If I create a post and use one of those files located in Uploads, will its filepath change automatically when the file is moved to its folder, or have I to relink it in the post?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author dbarrere



    1/ If the process is ended with the green circle, they will not be proceeded.

    2/ Yes, the scripts changes the path in database.

    What are the files that are not moved? Only thumbnails or other files?
    To have a change to debug it I would need a debug log of the process when it fails.
    You can enable it in the settings and run a synchronisation.
    If it fails, you need to list some files that failed, so that I can cross check with the debug log file what happened.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17818406



    Files that are not moved are the original file and its thumbnails. Also there are PDF, DOC, XLS files…

    I had debud enabled, but the file is very long, so I copy yo some examples:

    “20120911-Programm-SwissPLG-2013.jpg” is in Uploads (its thumbnails also). And it should be in folder “eventos\2013\swiss-plg-conference”

    In debug.php file, the only reference to this file is:

    Error : source and destination file are the same /home/drimway/plgs.drimway.com/wp-content/uploads/20120911-Programm-SwissPLG-2013.jpg

    File “20150618-Anuncio-BD.pdf” should be in “trabajo\2015”. The debug is:

    Error : source and destination file are the same /home/drimway/plgs.drimway.com/wp-content/uploads/20150618-Anuncio-BD.pdf

    File “20160401-EPLS-Booking-Form.docx” should be in “eventos\2016\viii-epls”. The debug is:

    Error : source and destination file are the same /home/drimway/plgs.drimway.com/wp-content/uploads/20160401-EPLS-Booking-Form.docx

    Plugin Author dbarrere


    It seems to not be trying to move the file into the needed folder.
    Do you have this error when you click the import button in the settings page, or just after you have synced a WP Media Folder folder?

    You can delete this file and launch again the import in WP Media FolderS settings page.
    And share the debug content like you did (only the errors)

    Best regards

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17818406



    I don’t sync folders cause finally I don’t need to use that feature of the WP Media Folder plugin, I just Import a folder and wait for your plugin to do the job. It is when I take a look in the url of the file (or I check the files via FTP) when I find that some of them are not moved, and also some folders were not created.

    Maybe the is a problem with the number of petitions that can be made to my server (hosting)? If the plugin asks to change the filepaths but there are too many changes, the plugin cancel the renaming of some filepaths? Or maybe the problem is the length of filepath? but i dont have very long names… for example “/wp-content/uploads/events/2018/ed-digital-healthcare-business/20170110-CETIF-DHB-programa.pdf”

    I can not import all the files again to test, cause they are a lot, but I found a little fix: just renaming one folder in Media makes your plugin “wakes up” and corrects the filepaths. The problem is that only works with the direct parent folfer, not other parents folder, for example it works with “father\child.jpg” but not with grandfather\father\child.jpg”. An added problem to this is that when I rename a folder in Media, your plugin creates a new folder in server, but don’t delete the former one, so I have two folders in server. If I rename the folder (in Media) back to its original name, the secondary folder disappears, but if I keep the new name, I have another folder in FTP which I don’t need/want.

    I also noticed an issue related to this, but not directly: wordpress scales big images to 2560px and adds a “-scaled” at the ending of the filename. This can cause your plugin does not move this image and stays in uploads (but your plugin does move the thumbnails, as they keep the original name, with no endings).

    I also noticed that when you make a change in Media, in the virtual folders, it takes about 10 seconds to show it up (so it is better to press F5). I don’t know if it is a problem with the WP Media Folder plugin, or if it is expected to work like that, not refreshing instantly.

    Plugin Author dbarrere


    I suspect the plugin to try to move file at the same time WP Media Folder move files.
    As there is an error in the error log, I don’t think this is related to the filename length or something in your server.

    About -scale images, I did not include any feature related to that and did not think about it at all during the development.
    So if it’s internally handled differently than thumbnails, the plugin doesn’t try to move it.

    Folders not replaced seems to be a bug, I have to work on it.

    What takes 10 seconds to show up?
    As moving media is more a hack than a real feature, some information can’t be updated on the media page. It’s the case of the URL, depending on what information has already been loaded from the database you may have to refresh the whole page to get the updated information from the database.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17818406


    10 seconds or so is what it takes for the WP Media Folder (virtual) to show the changes I make (for example, renaming a folder, or deleting it). Yeah, maybe is what you say, that it is a hack and not a real feature… It is not a real problem, and at least refreshing the page solves it.

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