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  • Got the same problem on all my sites with WPML.

    Same issue on all my multilingual sites made with Polylang …

    Same issue here! Does anyone happen to have the link to 2.03 for me to roll back?

    Have still issues with Display Widgets 2.05 + WPML …

    Any news?

    Do you have a solution?

    Not a solution but a workaround of sorts.

    I’ve run into the same problem in combination with WPML. Clicking the ‘show widget on selected pages’ option does not work at all. However clicking the ‘hide widget on selected pages’ option and then hiding it on all pages except the one(s) you want to show the widget on WILL work (at least it does for me).

    Not ideal but by the looks of things at least a workable alternative.

    thx for the workaround @draxeiro
    this is nearly impossible on my multilingual (5 languages) sites …
    anybody else with a solution or fix for the plugin?

    I am wondering if the Plugin-Author has an opinion about this issue?

    If you look at some of the more recent support threads there is a code change (commenting out a line of code) that seems to fix the problem until a plugin update comes out.

    With regards to the plugin author, I’ve actually sent her a message through her company site informing her of the issue and even offering her a WPML key so that she can check it using the plugin itself. But so far no reaction whatsoever. I’ve also noticed more threads, even from months back with similar multi-language issues but also no reaction on those.

    So either she is very busy or she doesn’t pay attention to this support section too much.

    In any case I hope she solves it soon. I agree this workaround is just about impossible to use on a site with 5 languages.

    There was a new update 2 weeks ago, in the changelog it says “Add “Text Domain” to the plugin header to enable translations”, has anyone tried to update to 2.05 yet and tested it with WPML to see if this issue is solved?

    UPDATE: Nevermind just noticed someone said that 2.05 does not solve the issue.

    Following this thread, since we are experiencing the same bug/problem.

    Seems like we’re all still waiting. Maybe I should look for an alternative, does anyone have a suggestion?

    I had an issue that widgets wouldn’t show up, but I discovered it was because the languages weren’t checked. However, checking them would override all other conditions and showing the widget on every page of that language.

    I found a workaround to that, it requires you to edit the code though.

    Find this block in display-widgets/display-widgets.php, using either the plugin editor in the wp admin or another editor:

    if ( ! $show && defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ) {
    	// check for WPML widgets
    	$show = isset( $instance[ 'lang-' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ] ) ? $instance[ 'lang-' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ] : false;

    and change it to:

    if ( $show && defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ) {
    	// check for WPML widgets
    	$show = isset( $instance[ 'lang-' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ] ) ? $instance[ 'lang-' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ] : false;

    Previously, because $show is negated, if a language was selected for a widget, it would disregard the other conditions. Say you have two pages: Page 1 and Page 2, and you have two languages: English and Swedish. You want to show the widget only on Page 1 on both languages.

    Before, when $show was negated (so if show is false, it would match the condition of the if and check if the language is set). The plugin first checks if we should show it on page 2. We don’t want that, so $show becomes false. Then it comes to the problematic if-block, where false would become true and the plugin checks the language. As we want the widget to be shown on both English and Swedish, $show is now set to true, disregarding that it was false before.

    Dunno if this solves all use cases though, maybe there was some use case that I’m not using that was the reason it was like that, or it was just a mistake, but it seems to work for me when I want to show a specific widget on specific pages on all languages.

    You’d have to tick show on all languaged pages though, if Page 1 (English) and Sida 1 (Swedish) is the same page, you have to tick both if you want to show it on both (as well as both languages).

    Oh also, if you update the plugin after doing this, you have to redo the change unless the plugin author fixes this the right way.

    Truth be told I have the feeling the plugin author isn’t interested in solving this.

    I have even sent her a head’s up using the form on her website with a mention to both the problem and this thread. But no reaction whatsoever. Very dissappointing.

    As for an alternative, I know there are various widget manager plugins that can perhaps be an option. If you use the Genesis framework (as I do) I can recommend Genesis Simple Sidebars, which can also be used on multilanguage sites with a little creative use I think.

    thx @ Draxeiro

    I quite agree.

    Do you know if Genesis Simple Sidebars works with WPML or Polylang ?

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