• Hello

    I am trying to set up a not for profit website to aid graduates in to their first role.

    I have downloaded wordpress and paid for the jobify theme. I thought all was going well as I managed to set up the basics such as logo, background image and a couple of pages (not sure if working) but then i hit a wall.

    I simply cant get the map or jobs top appear on the home screen. I made x5 fake job listings in case the map required a few to publish but no joy.

    I have re-done the install no fewer than ten times and still cant get my head around the setup even after reading various articles.

    I wish i could afford to pay somebody to help me but this site is part of my second year degree for health studies (showing how a free service can improve well-being) and its just not viable ??

    Can somebody please help me set up this free service, where people can register for free, employers can advertise for free and all parties can gain something positive for free thus creating harmony where other people/organisations make profit?

    Kindest regards

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