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  • I am also having this exact same problem. I installed and configured the plugin, but I do not receive any emails from the form.

    Also, when I change the Thank You message at the end and click “save changes” it returns that field to its original default value “Thank you for contacting us.”

    Any thoughts?


    I too did not get an email when I did a test of the form. I even changed the field from “Use email of WordPress user” to filling in the email address manually. Is there something I’m missing?

    As far as changing the “Thank you for contacting us”, make sure the ‘Change label for fields of the contact form and error messages’ check box is checked. You are then able to change the submitted message as well.

    FYI – I found out you have to install the plugin called “WP-mail-SMTP”. Then the form will actually send an email. Works wonderfully now!

    I am also having this issue.

    WordPress itself has no issue with sending out email notices. I just don’t get any email when this form is used.

    I’ve tried using the option for wp-mail and mail, but neither worked.

    Plugin Author bestwebsoft



    Please follow instructions below:
    1) Please check plugin’s settings ‘/wp-admin/admin.php?page=contact_form.php’
    2) It is possible that email messages are detected like a spam on the
    server. Instead of administrator ’email’ choose another ’email'(‘Use
    this email:’ block) – for example, gmail account or similar. If the
    message will be approved (it will be sent), then you’ve an email
    filtering configured on your server.
    3)Have you get notifications about new users registration? If not,
    perhaps you didn’t configure email sending. Then You need to install
    an extra plugin called WP-mail-SMTP and configure it.


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