I don’t know why you would have changed from Yoast SEO – WPSSO includes great support for Yoast SEO!
I think you may have the wrong idea about what an SEO plugin can do for you. Essentially, and SEO plugin only adds two meta tags – the canonical and description meta tags. But SEO is about much more than this.
WPSSO uses your content to create meta tags and JSON-LD markup (and if Google ranking is important to you, you should look at the WPSSO JSON Pro extension). It’s up to each customer to make sure they have great / targeted content. WPSSO and Yoast SEO are just tools – how you use them is up to you.
BTW, if WPSSO detected Yoast SEO, it would have disabled the canonical and description meta tags (since they are added by Yoast SEO). If you disabled Yoast SEO afterwards, then you’ll have to manually re-enable those meta tags under the SSO > Advanced settings page.
There are great tools out there to analyze your page (some mentioned in the Setup Guide), so my first suggestion would be to use them. ??
Anyway, this is not a support channel, but I felt it was important to let you know that (like any advanced plugin) there are many ways to use and configure WPSSO. ??