• In a world where you are working in the block editor or the FSE environment this plugin is just too mediocre to be acceptable.

    You insert Font Awesome icons through the paragraph block and are shown a freaking short code. You don’t event see the icon inside the block editor. You then have to open a separate tab in your browser and load up the website’s front end in order to examine it. At that point you will probably discover that the icon is way too small. So no you then need to go back to your short code inside the block editor and mess around with appending CSS classes to it. Bouncing back and fourth until you find the right size for your project.

    This misses the entire point of the block editor and modern WordPress. You guys can do better. The Font Awesome icon library truly lives up to its name, awesome. It deserves an awesome WordPress plugin. Not this mediocrity.

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Michael.
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