Here is what you list for features:
PayPal Donation Features
View donations made in your WordPress admin
Button Manager
Page / Post Button shortcode Inserter
Donation Widget
Built in support for 18 languages (PayPal currently supports 18 languages)
Built in support 25 currencies (PayPal currently supports 25 currencies)
Each button can have its own language and currency
Each button can have its own button image
Each button can have itw own PayPal account
PayPal testing with Sandbox mode
Customer can choose to make a recurring monthly PayPal donation
Choose from 7 different PayPal donation buttons
Upload and use your own donation button
Choose how the PayPal window opens
Setup a dropdown menu to force certain amounts
I cannot do that with this plugin, I can do it with PP, sure, but not with the plugin. This is the main reason I downloaded it. You wasted my time and I have little to spare, so my review stands. I already have another one installed and ready to go so no need for a freebie version. You just might want to remove that line in your features section as it’s not really true.