• This security plugin is great but currently im havin the same issue over and over it lock me out from my own dasboard and site refuse connection this is the third time this is happening to me i was happy with the security features and the type of protection that is provides but this constantly lock out its a P.I.T.B. im definetly uninstalling it to use another security plugin that dont have this constant issue even following their article about this: Blocked or Locked Out it keeps happening even when i while listed my ip also they need to add the Hide Admin login feature i hope that one day they fix this issue provide a simple way to fix this HUGE issue!

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  • Thanks for reaching out but I have to confess I am a little confused. I have looked for a support request in our premium ticket system and the free forums here but haven’t seen one from you. Both links are available in the Wordfence menu of your website (look for Help). We would have loved to help you fix the problem like we do for all our other customers that have issues.

    I’m just guessing here since I have don’t have diagnostics or anything to look at, but it sounds like Wordfence isn’t seeing the correct IP address of your visitors. If you have wound up blocking (the loopback address of the server your site is installed on) then any request to it would be blocked. This option is available on your website on the Wordfence Dashboard > Global Options page in the General Wordfence Options section. Look for “How does Wordfence get IPs”. You also read about it in our documentation online at this link. Basically you just choose which one matches your public facing IP address where it says “Your IP with this setting” directly under the choices.

    Lastly, I wanted to address your concern about why we don’t have a feature to change the login URL. We don’t offer that for three primary reasons:
    1. Changing WordPress URLs involves a risk of breaking functionality of WordPress themes and plugins. For example, WordPress JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object (AJAX) functions are triggered via admin-ajax.php which is located in wp-admin folder.
    2. Changing the URL makes us feel more secure but it does not actually make the site more secure. It is what many security analysts refer to as “security through obscurity”. It’s like boarding up the front door of your home to protect yourself against a burglary. Someone looking for a quick break in may be deterred, but any seasoned thief is just going to go look for another door or windows to get in.
    3. Half of all login attempts that are made on WordPress sites are made via xmlrpc.php. Those will not be stopped by changing your admin URL.

    Additionally, if you change the wp-admin or wp-login URLs you also lose visibility on who is attempting to log in to your site and when they are doing it since we’re not looking for logins on a random URL that you made up.

    What we recommend as a basic means of reducing login attempts is to use Country Blocking to restrict access to your login only to countries that you are yourself going to log in from. This will make login via wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php only available from your country. Also using the 2FA functionality we give you for free in the plugin will greatly reduce the risk of a compromise.

    As you have mentioned switching to another plugin, if that is the case, we wish you well with whatever security solution you choose. Just remember to open a case with them to ask for help if you have problems. Not opening a case just leaves you frustrated because of the problem, the plugin author frustrated because they probably could have fixed the issue rather quickly.

    If you have any follow up questions, please feel free to reach out at [email protected] or make a post at https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/wordfence/


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