• Resolved dgebel


    I upgraded to 3.5.1 and the latest version of Twenty-ten.

    I have a childtheme that has nothing but a bit of CSS customized in the style, and the header.php file.

    I’m getting the ‘no loading’ message all the time.
    Turned off all the other plugins.
    I’m only doing a fade, no slides.
    And it was working great for quite awhile so I doubt it’s the image size.

    Any suggestions?!


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  • link?

    Plugin Author Marco Cimmino


    No info == impossible to help.

    Ciao Marco, mi dispiace per il mio cattivo italiano. Sono dal Brasile e parlo solo portguês.

    Io non sono in grado di visualizzare le immagini generate dal plugin.

    Ho usato le altre antiche versioni in altri siti ed erano ben. Ho il sospetto che possa essere qualche conflitto o anche esigenze di server di hosting.

    Forse con il suo acuto occhio sviluppatore consega aiutarmi con questo.



    WP 3.5.2
    Theme: Atahualpa 3.7.12
    Plugin: 6.1.1

    Hello Marco, I’m sorry for my bad Italian and English. I’m from Brazil and I speak only portguês.

    I am not able to view the images generated by the plugin.

    I’ve used other ancient versions in other sites and were well. I suspect it may be some conflict or even requirements of server hosting.

    Perhaps with his keen eye developer consega help me with this.

    Thank you.


    WP 3.5.2
    Theme: Atahualpa 3.7.12
    Plugin: 6.1.1

    Plugin Author Marco Cimmino


    You have a bunch of errors you have to fix

    "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - https://gustuscafe.com.br/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/images/search2.gif"
    Error: CrossSlide: impossible animation: either picture 1 is too small or div is too large or fade duration too long.
    [Break On This Error] 	
    ...ImageContainer.style.background = 'url(' + HeaderImages[j] + ') top center no-re...
    /cafe/ (line 86)
    TypeError: HeaderImageContainer is null
    [Break On This Error] 	
    ...ImageContainer.style.background = 'url(' + HeaderImages[j] + ') top center no-re...
    /cafe/ (line 86)

    And only one comes from my plugin:
    Error: CrossSlide: impossible animation: either picture 1 is too small or div is too large or fade duration too long.
    Seems you chose slide effect and you did not read correctly the Note that states:

    Note that swap rate is ignored in this case and if you get no images then you have to reduce the size of the div and/or lower the speed value

    You need also to fix all the other JavaScript errors as well.

    Marco, Thank you very much!

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