Thank you for that option – I have another couple to add here…
1. Sticky Menu and Sticky Header – super easy to install and use all from the dashboard (not the elementor editor). Just discover the element name from your page, add it into the plugin on the dashboard and it will be sticky on the frontend. Mine was #masthead
2. Sticky Header Effects for Elementor – this creates a new entry on the advanced tab of the Section in the Elementor editor and has lots of functions, like JetSticky, but very few of them work as Elementor Pro is required for them to activate. But the sticky effect and a couple of them do work just fine. This was the one I ended up using.
Any other options would be gratefully received until the developer can update his amazing plugin. He author page says he is in Ukraine, so I guess he has many other far more important things in his life at the moment.