• Hi,

    Thanks for this awesome plugin.

    I have a problem with another one. It not send e-mail with mandrill.


    The mail test by your plugin is sent.
    I can send mail with other plugin but not this one (appointzilla)

    I’ve found the function which shoud send the email :

    function sendnotification($to, $subject, $body, $recipent_email) {
                $BlogName =  get_bloginfo('name');
                //check email notification ON/OFF
                if(get_option('emailstatus') == 'on') {
                    // get notification details
                    $NotificationDetails = get_option('emaildetails');
                    if(get_option('emailtype') == 'wpmail') {
                        $admin_email = $NotificationDetails['wpemail'];
                        $headers[] = "From: $BlogName <$admin_email>";
                        //send admin mail
                        if($to == 'admin') {
                            wp_mail( $admin_email, $subject, $body, $headers, $attachments = '' );
                        //send client mail
                        if($to == 'client') {
                            wp_mail( $recipent_email, $subject, $body, $headers, $attachments = '' );
                        //send client mail
                        if($to == 'staff') {
                            wp_mail( $recipent_email, $subject, $body, $headers, $attachments = '' );
                    }// end of wp mail
                    //php mail
                    if(get_option('emailtype') == 'phpmail') {
                        $admin_email = $NotificationDetails['phpemail'];
                        $headers = "From: $BlogName <$admin_email>";
                        //send admin mail
                        if($to == 'admin') {
                            mail($admin_email, $subject, $body, $headers);
                        //send client mail
                        if($to == 'client') {
                            mail($recipent_email, $subject, $body, $headers);
                        //send client mail
                        if($to == 'staff') {
                            mail($recipent_email, $subject, $body, $headers);
                    }// end of php mail
                    //smtp mail
                    if(get_option('emailtype') == 'smtp') {
                        $admin_email    = $NotificationDetails['smtpemail'];
                        $hostname       = $NotificationDetails['hostname'];
                        $portno         = $NotificationDetails['portno'];
                        $smtpemail      = $NotificationDetails['smtpemail'];
                        $password       = $NotificationDetails['password'];
                        $recipent_email = $recipent_email; //'[email protected]';
                        $SendEmail = new SendEmail();
                        //send mail to admin
                        if($to == 'admin') {
                            $body = "<pre>$body</pre>";
                            $SendEmail->notifyadmin($hostname, $portno, $smtpemail, $password, $admin_email, $subject, $body, $BlogName);
                        //send mail to client
                        if($to == 'client') {
                            $body = "<pre>$body</pre>";
                            $SendEmail->notifyclient($hostname, $portno, $smtpemail, $password, $admin_email, $recipent_email, $subject, $body, $BlogName);
                        if($to == 'staff') {
                            $body = "<pre>$body</pre>";
                            $SendEmail->notifyclient($hostname, $portno, $smtpemail, $password, $admin_email, $recipent_email, $subject, $body, $BlogName);
                    }// end of smtp mail
                }// end of email enable check
             }// end of send notification

    The get_option(emailtype) is wp_mail.

    So I think the plugin use “wp_mail” function but the plugin wpmandrill not override it

    I also tried to contact the author plugin but no answers https://appointzilla.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=287


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