@mbouclas could you elaborate a little bit more on what you are trying to achieve please ? Are you expecting the markdown editor for taxonomy and woocommerce attribute on the backend edit screen ? Or output every category description (like excerpt) or woocommerce attribute written as markdown ?
That’s gonna be a tough one ??If you are looking for the frontend output, I haven’t tested it yet but you should be able to use existing filters inside your custom theme for now. With something like this:
# If using markdown inside the category description textarea form field
add_filter('category_description', function( $str_desc, $obj_cat ) {
return mmd()->markdown2html( $str_desc );
}, 11, 2);
# Using markdown inside the product attribute input form fields
add_filter('woocommerce_attribute', function( $html_val, $attr, $org_val ) {
return mmd()->markdown2html( $org_val );
}, 11, 3);
# Using markdown inside the term description textarea form field
add_filter( 'get_term', function( $term, $tax ) {
$term->description = mmd()->markdown2html( $term );
return $term;
}, 11, 2);
Looks like I need to start writing a bit of documentation. ??
Keep in touch, and best regards