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  • Upload the image.
    Click on the image and admire the little pop-up menu.
    Observe what happens as you click on items in the menu. For instance, the top item controls if it is thumbnailed or not.

    (clicking on most items in that menu toggles a setting).

    What am I missing?

    First, try looking there – this topic has been asked by many people before, and the answer is usually different for everyone. The search box up top will almost always show you how others have handled their similar situation.

    I just recently had a client with this issue – in this case, it happened to be that they were hosted on a Windows server, and were using IE to upload. Even when on the Windows server, when I uploaded using FF, the images were fine. But when uploading in IE, there was no option for the original.

    And just so you know – the only person who can mark a thread resolved is the original person who posted it… please don’t get upset if they found their solution and you didn’t find yours.

    HS – for some people, the option on the menu to select thumbnail or original isn’t available – that’s what’s happening to a lot of people lately… and in my experience with it, it had to do with IE and a Windows server – once we switched to a Linux server, it worked fine.

    Hey LD – since the original poster mentioned he did NOT want thumbnails, I’m assuming GD isn’t the issue on this one.

    HS – I understand that – and what I’m saying is that this has been an issue for many people – that it’s automatically inserting thumbnails and not giving the option to change that to original size…

    “But when uploading in IE, there was no option for the original.”

    “for some people, the option on the menu to select thumbnail or original isn’t available”

    I wish I had a screenshot to show you – it puts a thumbnail in the post, and there’s a strikethrough on the first line of the menu where you’d normally switch it to “using original”.

    I’ve seen this question coming up a lot lately – and experienced it myself.

    Thread Starter bran8464


    I have had this working in earlier versions but not in 2.02 The option thumbnail or original does show but does not display original only thumbnail – as stated in the original post by many others. it’s nothing to do with my server, as I say it has worked before.

    I have not attempted to say the original thread was resolved, the original poster gave up on the problem and decided it was resolved, hence I started a new thread.

    i think to hard for wordpress to posted image with normal size :)))))

    for me well i think about other blog … :-}

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    The option thumbnail or original does show but does not display original only thumbnail

    So, what happens when you click on that option? It’s supposed to shift back and forth between thumbnail and original. If it doesn’t then I’d say you might be missing some of the javascript files in wp-includes\js or something like that.



    step 1: upload image
    step 2: click image, observe menu
    step 3: click ‘using thumbnail’, observe it changes to ‘using original’
    step 4: click ‘send to editor’
    step 5: scroll up to editor, click HTML button
    step 6: find the <img src='' /> tag
    step 7: remove width="XXXpx" height="XXXpx"
    step 8: click update

    this is kind of a bug. in certain conditions, wordpress doesn’t actually thumbnail the image, just scales it down. when you switch to full size, it _should_ strip the height and width, but sometimes it doesn’t

    Thread Starter bran8464


    mmm. thanks sunburntkamel, we are getting somewhere, but it is not ideal. Otto42, yes it does alternate between thumbnail and original. Better for one of the developers to fix the bug, after all uploading images is what every blog software does …. except wordpress!

    mouarf mouarf ! what a joke, a blog who can’t post correctly an normal size image :))))) ha ha ha !

    it’s like,a car but the mecano says,hum.. wait a bit because i have to check if wheels can turn around ifself … arf arf !!! :))

    mouarf mouarf ! what a joke, a blog who can't post correctly an normal size image :))))) ha ha ha !

    it's like,a car but the mecano says,hum.. wait a bit because i have to check if wheels can turn around ifself ... arf arf !!! :))

    Oh look everyone – a little green guy under a bridge – how unique.



    barn –
    what i posted was a workaround.
    the bug itself,
    is set to be fixed in version 2.1

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