Yes, sorry about that… I had the blog on “Coming Soon” mode because I was changing many things.
This is the link:
In case it helps in any way, I am using a child theme for Corpo. I modified some styles:
– Color of the header and footer, now they are blue (and the borders too)
– Inserted some custom styles to create 2-column divs for the page “Contact us”
– Changed text-areas to be non-resizeable
– Removed the bottom-lines of the td on tables
– “display: none;” for page titles (#main-content > h2)
Apart from that, not much more regarding styles. I removed “Powered by WordPress” from the footer. Left “Corpo Theme” link, though.
Whether this problem is solved or not, if this is only affecting me for any reason, I will give 5 stars to it. I think it is a great work.
Thanks for the help in advance.
EDIT: A couple more of things I forgot to mention:
– I am using WordPress 3.7.1
– I think it is also worth to mention that it looks OK when the iPad is in landscape mode but it looks deformed when the iPad is in portrait mode. On iPod it looks deformed any way due to the small size of the screen (I don’t know about iPhones, though). Unfortunately I don’t know about other mobile browsers and tablets or phones.