• Moderator Bet Hannon


    I have jobs set up to send the backup to S3, and manually running the job completes the backup and the send to S3 just fine. Scheduled runs of the job however, do NOT get send to S3, with this error message:

    ERROR: S3 Service API: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

    Obviously, my S3 keys are fine, since the manual triggered send works. What else could be the issue?


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  • I solved this like so:

    1. Make sure you have the latest BackWPup (v3.2.0)
    2. Head over to the “To: S3 Service” tab in your job’s edit view
    3. Clear out the AWS keys
    4. Re-enter your keys
    5. Choose your backup bucket
    Moderator Bet Hannon


    Thanks, Jeff! I’ve followed your list, and I’ll wait to see if the send happens on the next scheduled backup.

    I’m having slightly different issue with s3. My backups complete just fine if I save them to the local file system. But if I try sending them to an s3 server, the job times it while making the zip archive and after the timeout, it sends an empty archive file.

    @drdlund: i wil revert a liitel chnage an zip file creation with the next update. That hoppfuly speeds it up in some cases again.

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