I am not part of support… just some dude.
I did discover your website… I’m not going to post a link, figuring your would have if you wanted to..
I didn’t see anything wrong with your page just at first look..
I saw this page blahblahblah/categories/health-wellness/
And it shows you Category and a list of events.. so as you mentioned that part is working.
Looks like you are using WP Fullcalendar…
And it looks like you have the settings setup because your other categories are showing.
Your calendar does show the Events associated with the health wellness.. just not the drop down box.
And I imagine.. if you go to where you enter a new category…
ie: Events->Settings->Event Categories
everything looks good there
And I guess if you use this code on a test page the Health Wellness shows also
<ul>[categories_list hide_empty=0 limit=100]<li>#_CATEGORYLINK</li>[/categories_list]</ul>
I have a lot of categories.. on different sites and I don’t remember seeing this problem before..
I know I’m not helping much here… hopefully well get this sorted out..